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New Content Update Request: City Chapter Learn More Button should be Join Us #581

Closed briantrejo1 closed 4 years ago

briantrejo1 commented 5 years ago

Link where content currently exists

All city chapter pages under

Updates you'd like to make

The "Learn More" button copy should change to "Join Us" On click, "Join Us" button should redirect visitors to

Any additional context?

This was requested because we had a new visitor google "techqueria atlanta" and landed on that page. When they clicked 'learn more' to access the Atlanta channel, it put them in front of a general slack login page.

Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 9 11 51 PM
WilliamMena commented 4 years ago

@briantrejo1 I noticed that each of the links redirect to a specific slack channel for each city. I agree on the text change to 'Join Us' but I believe adjusting the redirect would change the original intent of this page.

What do you think @fvcproductions

FrancesCoronel commented 4 years ago

Yeah, these are good points! I ended up changing it to the chapter page on our new events platform

ergo SF Chapter page would have as link and so on and so forth

San Francisco Bay Area
Techqueria is a nonprofit that serves the largest community of Latinx in Tech.