Open fissible opened 6 years ago
@ajthenewguy could you tell me what version of Linux and PHP you are running?
Same issue here: Ubuntu 16.4 php 7.0
Docker/Alpine - PHP 7.1
Same issue here: Amazon Linux php 7.1.13
ODBC appears to be included by default in PHP 7. PHP 7.1.9 ini file on my development machine says:
; Note that ODBC support is built in, so no dll is needed for it.
You can force install with:
composer require techscope/laravel-sqlserver:dev-master --ignore-platform-reqs
This is still a problem, because for instance I deploy to heroku and I cannot add the flag to the compilation process. Is there are any other workaround? Thanks
If you can fork the code, you could remove the "ext-odbc": "^1.0" from the composer.json file under the require section.
I'd have to do some research to find out if that requirement could be limited to PHP versions less than 7. That would be the ideal fix.
As always we welcome thoughts and comments from the author.
We also hit this on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS with ondrej's PPA. 18.04 LTS is quite recently released distro, ondrej's packages are also quite recent.
I would suggest if you can check to lover the minimum required version, because most of us, will not compile our own packages.
apt-cache policy php7.3-odbc php7.3-odbc: Installed: Candidate: Version table: *** 500 500 bionic/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
apt-cache madison php7.3-odbc php7.3-odbc | | bionic/main amd64 Packages
I'm getting this error when running composer require: