techtanic / Discounted-Udemy-Course-Enroller

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Fix Various Issues and Improve Scraper Script #161

Closed hoz-efa closed 2 months ago

hoz-efa commented 2 months ago

Here are the details of the changes:

  1. Fixed Cloudscraper Session Error: Resolved the issue where creating a scraper session through s was causing an error with cloudscraper.create_scraper(sess=s).
  2. Repaired Scrapers for Multiple Sites: Fixed the scrapers for Disudemy, Coursevania, and iDownloadCoupon. Previously, the script was unable to start due to issues with these scrapers.
  3. Corrected e-Next API Link: Updated the script with the correct link for the e-next API, ensuring proper API interaction.

The script is now functioning correctly.

Screenshot (4) Screenshot (7)

However, there are a couple of minor issues that need attention:

Note: I have only tested these changes with the CLI version and have not verified them with the GUI version.

Please review these changes and let me know if any further modifications are needed.

hoz-efa commented 2 months ago

@hoz-efa That looks great! Could you also please update requirements.txt with the version python and libraries that you're using? I am trying to clone the environment on my computer to contribute, but the latest versions of PySimpleGUI are paid, and I am getting errors simply starting the GUI. Would really appreciate a response. Thank you!

Bro, seriously I have no idea about GUI. I didn't try to run it once cause I only prefer the CLI version more often, and for PySimpleGUI, you can register yourself as a "Hobbyist" and get the developer key and can use it for a year... check it out here

These are the versions of my libraries from the requirements:

cloudscraper              1.2.71
colorama                  0.4.6
html5lib                  1.1
requests                  2.31.0
requests-file             2.0.0
requests-toolbelt         1.0.0
tqdm                      4.66.4

You can check and verify your versions with the above by running this command in PowerShell: pip list | findstr /R "bs4 requests html5lib cloudscraper pyopenssl browser_cookie3 colorama tqdm"

rveeravalli commented 2 months ago

@hoz-efa That looks great! Could you also please update requirements.txt with the version python and libraries that you're using? I am trying to clone the environment on my computer to contribute, but the latest versions of PySimpleGUI are paid, and I am getting errors simply starting the GUI. Would really appreciate a response. Thank you!

Bro, seriously I have no idea about GUI. I didn't try to run it once cause I only prefer the CLI version more often, and for PySimpleGUI, you can register yourself as a "Hobbyist" and get the developer key and can use it for a year... check it out here

These are the versions of my libraries from the requirements:

cloudscraper              1.2.71
colorama                  0.4.6
html5lib                  1.1
requests                  2.31.0
requests-file             2.0.0
requests-toolbelt         1.0.0
tqdm                      4.66.4

You can check and verify your versions with the above by running this command in PowerShell: pip list | findstr /R "bs4 requests html5lib cloudscraper pyopenssl browser_cookie3 colorama tqdm"

Thanks a lot mate, I too am happy to work with the CLI. What version of python are you running, I can target using pyenv? Thanks again!