techtanic / Discounted-Udemy-Course-Enroller

A script/software for automatically enrolling/joining 100% discounted Udemy courses for free. Get Paid Udemy courses for free with just a few clicks.
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Fix Various Issues and Improve Scrapper Script #162

Open hoz-efa opened 2 months ago

hoz-efa commented 2 months ago

Pull Request Summary

New Updates (Commits on Jun 15, 2024):

Error Handling Improvements

Known Issues

Screenshot (17)

Previous Changes (Commits on Jun 15, 2024):

Improve Link Extraction and Error Handling in Scrapers

These changes collectively improve the overall reliability, efficiency, and functionality of the script.

Previous Changes (Commits on Jun 10, 2024):

  1. Fixed Cloudscraper Session Error:

    • Resolved the issue where creating a scraper session through s was causing an error with cloudscraper.create_scraper(sess=s).
  2. Repaired Scrapers for Multiple Sites:

    • Fixed the scrapers for Disudemy, Coursevania, and iDownloadCoupon. Previously, the script was unable to start due to issues with these scrapers.
  3. Corrected e-Next API Link:

    • Updated the script with the correct link for the e-next API, ensuring proper API interaction.

The script is now functioning correctly.

Screenshot (4) Screenshot (7)

However, there are a couple of minor issues that need attention:

Note: I have only tested these changes with the CLI version and have not verified them with the GUI version.

I have no idea about GUI. I didn't try to run it once cause I only prefer the CLI version more often, and for PySimpleGUI, you can register yourself as a "Hobbyist" and get the developer key and can use it for a year... check it out here

These are the versions of my libraries from the requirements:

bs4                       0.0.2
cloudscraper              1.2.71
colorama                  0.4.6
html5lib                  1.1
requests                  2.31.0
requests-file             2.0.0
requests-toolbelt         1.0.0
tqdm                      4.66.4

You can check and verify your versions with the above by running this command in PowerShell: pip list | findstr /R "bs4 requests html5lib cloudscraper pyopenssl browser_cookie3 colorama tqdm"

Please review these changes and let me know if any further modifications are needed.