techteam25 / SPadv

StoryProduceradv with remote
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Enable ROCC to review local WordLinks data (PARTS A, B, C) #109

Open RobinRempel opened 11 months ago

RobinRempel commented 11 months ago

[Link to google slides with mock-ups ](url)

Currently (v. 2.16) , when SPadv is in "local" mode, the Translator can tap on a hyperlinked word to go to the WordLinks interface to research its meaning. Then they can "document" how they will say that word in their language by recording audio renderings in the WordLinks windows. These audio documentations can also be text back-translated into the Gateway language or transliterated into the local language by pressing on the audio file in the WordLinks interface to bring up the phone keyboard and then the translator types in appropriate text. The offline Accuracy Checker can also see and hear all that the Translator has documented for any hyperlinked terms. [PART A: This text, though showing up in the SPadv interface, is currently not showing up in any of the backend WordLink project files. It should be mirrored somehow in backend project files, either by: (1) renaming the audio file in the keyterm's folder (e.g. temple_meeting house for God and people.m4a; temple_big worship house.m4a) and/or (2) inserting corresponding text files into the keyterm's folder. These text files are what need to be auto-sent to ROCC. Preferably the text files should be labeled the same as the content (e.g. temple_meeting house for God and people.txt; temple_big worship house.txt)

When SPadv is in "remote" mode, the ROCCer should be able to see everything that is seen by the "local" mode Accuracy Checker. To enable this in ROCC, these things need to happen: PART B:

  1. The hyperlinked terms need to appear in the source text for each slide. [This requires that the WordLink database (for the various Gateway languages) be able to communicate to the ROCC, that is, the WordLink database needs to scan the ROCC source text to hyperlink appropriate terms.]
  2. The color of the hyperlinked terms in ROCC needs to mirror whether or not the SPadv Translator has documented that term in his language. A blue hyperlink indicates the translator has not documented the term and there are no documentation files available. A "clear" hyperlink indicates the translator has documented the term and there are files available.
  3. When a ROCCer clicks on a hyperlinked term (whether blue or clear), a window will appear on top of the ROCC interface showing a research screen much like what the SPadv user sees PART C:
  4. When a remote SPadv user sends the first Slide Tell Back audio file to the ROCCer, all the wordlink text files that have not already been uploaded to ROCC need to auto-send.
  5. When the ROCCer clicks on a hyperlinked keyterm, if the text files for that term have been documented by the local Translator, then those texts (back-translations or transliteration) will appear in the WordLinks tab/window of ROCC (lower right). If the local Translator has not yet documented a term, the hyperlink in the source text will be blue and a message in the WordLink tab will indicate "the documentation for this term is not yet available".
johntseng commented 11 months ago

Hi @RobinRempel Can you attach the mock-ups again? It links to GitHub. image