tecosaur / DataToolkit.jl

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Storage plugin file errors on Windows #28

Closed tecosaur closed 4 months ago

tecosaur commented 11 months ago

It seems that on windows, an error may be thrown during precompilation at


The issue seems to be that somehow (mysteriously) the cache folder is already created as a file not a folder, leading to a mkdir error.

I have absolutely no idea what's going on with this ATM.

vtfanta commented 4 months ago

I also had this error and posted on the Discourse.

I tried tinkering around for a bit and found the following:

Temporary solution Just create the C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\cache\\julia\\DataToolkit\\cache\\ folder yourself (you can leave it empty). This worked for me; the compilation proceeded without problems and the Inventory.toml file was created in the manually created ...\\cache folder.

tecosaur commented 4 months ago

Thanks for looking into this!

That behaviour is interesting, I thought mkpath always created a directory, not a file :confused:.

chris-b1 commented 4 months ago

I don't think it's this mkpath itself that's the issue. If I run the steps @vtfanta outlined above, with an empty C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\cache\julia\DataToolkit then cache gets created as a folder as expected. So presumably something earlier in the precompilation process is touching that dir?

vtfanta commented 4 months ago

Heh, not for me unfortunately:( With the empty DataToolkit I, again, get the chache 'file' and the error.

chris-b1 commented 4 months ago

Hmm, interesting. I should have noted originally, I do get the same precompilation error, but if I manually run those steps mkpath makes a path, not a file.

vtfanta commented 4 months ago

So presumably something earlier in the precompilation process is touching that dir?

I think you are correct. When I commented out the initially suspicious lines 232-240 in inventory.jl the cache file still got created. Now after commenting out the BaseDirs.User.cache(BaseDirs.Project("DataToolkit"), create=true) in Store.jl it no longer happens, so I think that nails it down to this line.

tecosaur commented 4 months ago

Thanks for narrowing it down guys! The BaseDirs code may be slightly hard to navigate at a glance, the relevant bit is this: https://github.com/tecosaur/BaseDirs.jl/blob/d6c8e0d9bd5910395890d8a18b4fb1242d91aebe/src/internals.jl#L50-L67

So in order to create a directory, BaseDirs.projectpath(BaseDirs.Project("DataToolkit")) needs to end with a /.

On my Linux machine, I see this:

julia> BaseDirs.projectpath(BaseDirs.Project("DataToolkit"))

The code for Windows implementation of projectpath is here: https://github.com/tecosaur/BaseDirs.jl/blob/d6c8e0d9bd5910395890d8a18b4fb1242d91aebe/src/nt.jl#L277-L289

So from that, it looks like the fix would be adjusting how BaseDirs behaves on Windows appropriately.

tecosaur commented 4 months ago

The use of a hardcoded / instead of something platform-adaptive is so that it can be used in strings and be consistent across all platforms, e.g. BaseDirs.User.cache(BaseDirs.Project("DataToolkit"), "subfolder/", create=true).

I think what needs to be changed here might just be the behaviour when only a project is provided.

tecosaur commented 4 months ago

I've just pushed https://github.com/tecosaur/BaseDirs.jl/commit/729a9e33f23, if you might be able to try using (]add BaseDirs#729a9e33f) and seeing if it works now, that would be much appreciated!

vtfanta commented 4 months ago

Brilliant! This works on my Win10 :)

tecosaur commented 4 months ago

I'll see if I've thought of any issues with the approach in the next ~day, and if not tag that as BaseDirs v1.2.2, and close this issue.

Thanks for the help!

tecosaur commented 4 months ago

v1.2.2 is now being registered (https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General/pull/100782), so I think I can (finally) close this :partying_face: