tecosaur / LaTeX-Utilities

An add-on to LaTeX Workshop that provides some features that go beyond the bare essentials
MIT License
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Add templates to quickstart projects #176

Open Makogan opened 4 years ago

Makogan commented 4 years ago

Feature Request

Similar to TexStudio, it'd be neat to be able to quickstart a pristine file with a template, bonus points if the template is customizable. : )

tecosaur commented 4 years ago

Hello! That sounds like a great idea. I'm afraid that due to me moving to another editor I'm no longer maintaining this extension :slightly_frowning_face: (sorry to disappoint), but don't let that from stop you from making this happen :slightly_smiling_face:.

I strongly encourage you to take a peek at this extension's code, then give implementing it a shot! If your experience is anything like mine, this will be way easier than you expect :smiley:

I'd happily answer questions on the internals of this extension, and I'd be thrilled to accept a PR on this.

LeCyberDucky commented 4 years ago

@tecosaur Sad to see you move on from working on this extension. You have done great work and it's very much appreciated. If you don't mind me asking, which editor did you switch to, and why did you choose to do so?

I wish you lots of fun with your future projects :)

tecosaur commented 4 years ago

@LeCyberDucky thanks for the kind words. It's been great seeing people get some use out of my work here.

My editor switch happened somewhat accidentally. I got annoyed because I kept on finding myself using vscode shortcuts in other apps … and being disappointed when the didn't do anything :sweat_smile:. I discovered a tool called Emacs Anywhere which lets one use the Emacs daemon to quickly pull up windows for editing text in other applications — I thought why not give it a shot. Then I set emacs to be my in-terminal editor, discovered Magit, then a nice config base (Doom Emacs), org-mode... Suffice to say I fell hard :laughing:

If you're interested to read more about where I've gone, feel free to take a look at https://tecosaur.github.io/emacs-config/config.html (FYI that document and everything in it was generated within Emacs :stuck_out_tongue:).

Makogan commented 4 years ago

I would like to suggest auctioning off the project and see if someone is willing to become the next maintainer : p. But that's up to you of course.

tecosaur commented 4 years ago

I'm more than happy for someone to 'pick up the torch' if they are willing. I like to think that's fairly clear from the readme :stuck_out_tongue:


Makogan commented 4 years ago

Are you ok with me posting a link to this on reddit to see if anyone wants to pickup the flag?

tecosaur commented 4 years ago

I wouldn't mind :)

Makogan commented 4 years ago

