A big thank you for maintaining this package. And congratulations on pushing the package to MELPA. There is no doubt that you can find all the information needed out there to install this package, but I wanted to make this package more accessible to more people.
Changes to the README.org
I have not deleted anything from the old README (did move things around). I've added more steps to the installation, mostly to clarify two things. The fact that you can use a dictionary without explicit formatting and the folding of dictionary entries.
Changes to the lexic.el package description
Irreal.org and Mike Zamansky in his Using emacs series search MELPA.org with the keyword dictionary (in the Zamansky's video @ 1:38). I love the package name, but lexic.el does not show up. It might make the package easier to find.
Thanks again for taking the time to create this. Love it.
Hey Tecosaur,
A big thank you for maintaining this package. And congratulations on pushing the package to MELPA. There is no doubt that you can find all the information needed out there to install this package, but I wanted to make this package more accessible to more people.
I have not deleted anything from the old README (did move things around). I've added more steps to the installation, mostly to clarify two things. The fact that you can use a dictionary without explicit formatting and the folding of dictionary entries.
Irreal.org and Mike Zamansky in his Using emacs series search MELPA.org with the keyword dictionary (in the Zamansky's video @ 1:38). I love the package name, but lexic.el does not show up. It might make the package easier to find.
Thanks again for taking the time to create this. Love it.