tecosaur / org-latex-preview-todos

A tracker for the Org LaTeX Preview effort on https://git.tecosaur.net/tec/org-mode
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Add support for latexmk #38

Open karthink opened 3 weeks ago

karthink commented 3 weeks ago

Some LaTeX packages require running LaTeX multiple times to generate correct output (and hence previews). An example of this is the nicematrix CTAN package. Using latexmk as the :latex-compiler in org-latex-preview-process-alist runs without errors, but doesn't actually produce correct previews.

Example (from https://list.orgmode.org/m1v801dlof.fsf@nobis-it.eu/T/#u):

#+latex_header: \usepackage{nicematrix}
#+latex_header: \newcolumntype{C}{c}

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(plist-put (alist-get 'dvisvgm org-latex-preview-process-alist)
           '("latexmk  -f -latex -output-directory=%o %f"))

    -m^{00}& 0 & 0 & 0\\
    0 & \Block{3-3}{-m^{ab}}& &\\
    0 & & & \\
    0 & & & \\
    -2m^{0k}& m^{1k} & m^{2k} & m^{3k}\\
    m^{1k}& \Block{3-3}{0_{3\times3 }}& &\\
    m^{2k}& & & \\
    m^{3k}& & &

Produces: image

Corresponding MWE LaTeX file:

    -m^{00}& 0 & 0 & 0\\
    0 & \Block{3-3}{-m^{ab}}& &\\
    0 & & & \\
    0 & & & \\
    -2m^{0k}& m^{1k} & m^{2k} & m^{3k}\\
    m^{1k}& \Block{3-3}{0_{3\times3 }}& &\\
    m^{2k}& & & \\
    m^{3k}& & &
yantar92 commented 3 weeks ago

pNiceArray is incompatible with latex (but not with pdflatex), which is the main problem. We need pdflatex or latexmk -pdf