tectonic-typesetting / tectonic

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Compatibility with biblatex-ms #1196

Open MstislavKeldysh opened 6 months ago

MstislavKeldysh commented 6 months ago

There are -ms versions of biber and biblatex packages. I installed biber-ms using miktex console and tectonic is able to recognize and identify that just fine. I am however unsure how I would be able to use the biblatex-ms package. If I just do \usepackage{biblatex-ms} then I get an error that the biblatex-ms.sty file cannot be found.

A possible solution is to place all of the files of the package in the same folder as the file being compiled. This is however rather annoying, as the package has over 100 files and various subfolders etc; which clutter the work space.

Is there any way to at least be able to put these in one big folder, that would then be placed in my file's directory? As otherwise this clutters the workspace too much (it is not just one .sty file, but 3 plus over 100 dependent files).