tectonic-typesetting / tectonic

A modernized, complete, self-contained TeX/LaTeX engine, powered by XeTeX and TeXLive.
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Logo needed #24

Open pkgw opened 7 years ago

pkgw commented 7 years ago

It would be nice to have a cool logo. My personal goals are:

robbystk commented 7 years ago

'Tectonic' makes me think of a mountain, and since this is implemented in rust, I was thinking the rust gear but with a mountain outline in the center. Not sure how legal that is. I may try to work up an example in a few days.

pkgw commented 7 years ago

Thanks for expressing interest!

In other cases I would not encourage the "gear" imagery too much — users don't care what language the program is written in. But I like the idea of Tectonic as a tough engine that churns away reliably, day in and day out. With that context, I find a gear to be very appropriate. (Maybe this is what the Rust folks also had in mind?)

Mountain/geological imagery obviously connects to the project name, but I will admit that I'm not sure if it's the best logo direction to go.

Maybe something with gear imagery and then "type design" type styling along these lines? Although you'd want to distinguish yourself from the Rust logo, since their gear has a big "R" in the middle after all.

robbystk commented 7 years ago

Perhaps a big T for tectonic, either in a gear, or just with the typographical layout lines.

ninewise commented 7 years ago

That'd be cool, but I'd keep the T out of the gear? Something like this (typigraphy carried by a gear, with or without the rust R):


bluebear94 commented 5 years ago

Personally, my idea is to depict an earthquake in the logo.

zuurw commented 4 years ago

Hi, how are you? If it's something you're interested in, I can a propose free logo, please, let me know!


pkgw commented 4 years ago

@zuurw Proposals are more than welcome! I will admit that this topic is something that I'm very picky about, but (slow-motion) brainstorming is always good.

zuurw commented 4 years ago

@zuurw Proposals are more than welcome! I will admit that this topic is something that I'm very picky about, but (slow-motion) brainstorming is always good.

Hi, I would like to know what do you want for this logo, can you give me something to get inspired?

Best Regards!

Neved4 commented 8 months ago

A world where.... the Tectonic project has a nice logo! 😉 (2022)

🎃 Happy Halloween! Here are some ideas:

Type Variant A Variant B Variant C*
SVG Variant A Variant B Variant C
* Variant C uses the T letter from Alphabeta by Lucas Young.


To fit the overall minimalist theme, a brutalist typeface like Shaimus or Nimbus Sans will work:

rm-dr commented 8 months ago

I've also been playing around with an idea during the last few months. A few variants (and a large-form banner) are below.

Of course, the T in the logo is modeled after CMU Serif.


Neved4 commented 7 months ago

ping @pkgw

pkgw commented 5 months ago

Thanks for everyone's work on this topic! Besides my general lack of availability, I've been unsure about how to proceed with this item in particular ... design stuff is hard even when people are getting paid to do the work 🫤

One thing that I can say is that if you look at how these kinds of logos are used right now, they tend to have very flat color schemes (i.e., easily reduced to black and white) and very few, chunky elements since they often end up getting shrunk to very small sizes (e.g., for website favicons, etc.). For instance, I was just looking at https://vuejs.org/ and the Vue logo is very simple and is shrunk down to probably something like 24 or 30px in the site's navbar. These kinds of minimalist logos are usually paired with a "wordmark" stylized rendering of the project/product name in a specific font/layout.

With that in mind, out of the recent suggestions, I think @Neved4's "Variant B" is probably the most promising. Something lke that could be I could imagine being part of a fairly standard wordmark lockup design with a stylized "T" type logo next to the word "Tectonic", as in @rm-dr's banner.