tedchou12 / webull

Unofficial APIs for Webull.
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Issue with get_current_orders() #394

Open MHassanNajafi opened 1 year ago

MHassanNajafi commented 1 year ago

Hi All,

Starting today running get_current_orders() function does not return the expected output on my account. Anyone else has similar issue with wb.get_current_orders()?

DouGrimaldi commented 1 year ago

Bumping this, this is also happening to me.

DouGrimaldi commented 1 year ago

not sure if we're experiencing the same but after printing wb.get_current_orders() I notice that orderId is no longer part of the dictionary. This is what i see now. [{'ticker': {'tickerId': 913243251, 'symbol': 'SPY', 'name': 'SPDR® S&P 500 ETF Trust', 'tinyName': 'SPDR® S&P 500 ETF Trust', 'listStatus': 1, 'exchangeCode': 'PSE', 'exchangeId': 34, 'type': 3, 'regionId': 6, 'currencyId': 247, 'currencyCode': 'USD', 'secType': [1, 34], 'exchangeTrade': True, 'disExchangeCode': 'NYSEARCA', 'disSymbol': 'SPY'}, 'brokerOrderId': '7NH24VCJ7VKEDF43IBDAFV6S39', 'brokerId': 8, 'orderNum': '2305083e600a0', 'assetType': 'option', 'orderType': 'LMT', 'action': 'BUY', 'status': 'Submitted', 'statusCode': 'Working', 'statusStr': 'Working', 'lmtPrice': '0.2000', 'totalQuantity': '4', 'filledQuantity': '0', 'createTime': '05/08/2023 16:38:59 EDT', 'createTime0': 1683578339121, 'updateTime': '05/08/2023 16:38:59 EDT', 'updateTime0': 1683578339215, 'remainQuantity': '4', 'timeInForce': 'GTC', 'outsideRegularTradingHour': False, 'filledValue': '0.0000', 'orderSource': 'web', 'relation': 'normal', 'priceTolerance': '0', 'canModify': True, 'canCancel': True, 'comboType': 'NORMAL', 'comboId': 'JAHSIBHQNATO2TJO60PGQ3FH0B', 'expireTime': '07/07/2023'}, {'ticker': {'tickerId': 913243251, 'symbol': 'SPY', 'name': 'SPDR® S&P 500 ETF Trust', 'tinyName': 'SPDR® S&P 500 ETF Trust', 'listStatus': 1, 'exchangeCode': 'PSE', 'exchangeId': 34, 'type': 3, 'regionId': 6, 'currencyId': 247, 'currencyCode': 'USD', 'secType': [1, 34], 'exchangeTrade': True, 'disExchangeCode': 'NYSEARCA', 'disSymbol': 'SPY'}, 'brokerOrderId': '7NH24VCJ7VKEDF43IBDAFV6S39', 'brokerId': 8, 'orderNum': '2305083e600a0', 'assetType': 'option', 'orderType': 'LMT', 'action': 'BUY', 'status': 'Submitted', 'statusCode': 'Working', 'statusStr': 'Working', 'lmtPrice': '0.2000', 'totalQuantity': '4', 'filledQuantity': '0', 'createTime': '05/08/2023 16:38:59 EDT', 'createTime0': 1683578339121, 'updateTime': '05/08/2023 16:38:59 EDT', 'updateTime0': 1683578339215, 'remainQuantity': '4', 'timeInForce': 'GTC', 'outsideRegularTradingHour': False, 'filledValue': '0.0000', 'orderSource': 'web', 'relation': 'normal', 'priceTolerance': '0', 'canModify': True, 'canCancel': True, 'comboType': 'NORMAL', 'comboId': 'JAHSIBHQNATO2TJO60PGQ3FH0B', 'expireTime': '07/07/2023'}]

Biletnikoff commented 1 year ago

use wb.get_history_orders('Working')

DouGrimaldi commented 1 year ago

use wb.get_history_orders('Working')

Nope, not working for me either

DouGrimaldi commented 1 year ago

use wb.get_history_orders('Working')

Nope, not working for me either

you know what actually i figured it out, this did work for me, thank you

MHassanNajafi commented 1 year ago

It worked for me too.

This is not the only change in the last few days. For example, when I place a new order now, it returns some strange order Id that is different from the actual orderId. Any one noticed this change?

hadenponish1 commented 1 year ago

@DouGrimaldi Anything else you change to make this work?? I'm having the same issue getting orders as of this morning.

tried wb.get_history_orders('Working') but am given the same failed, 400 response.