tedchou12 / webull

Unofficial APIs for Webull.
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received error rzone on api login #419

Closed hadenponish1 closed 11 months ago

hadenponish1 commented 11 months ago

New issue logging into retrieve orders. Code is below, previously was able to pull no problem

from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os

# Load environment variables from .env file
webull_email = os.environ['webull_email']
webull_pass = os.environ['webull_pass']
webull_access_token = os.environ['access_token']
webull_uuid = os.environ['webull_uuid']

wb = webull()

creds = wb.login(webull_email, webull_pass)
wb.api_login(access_token= webull_access_token, uuid = webull_uuid)
orders = wb.get_history_orders(status = 'All', count = 10000)

error is 

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[62], line 18
     15 wb = webull()
     17 creds = wb.login(webull_email, webull_pass)
---> 18 wb.api_login(access_token= webull_access_token, uuid = webull_uuid)
     19 orders = wb.get_history_orders(status = 'All', count = 10000)
     20 print(len(orders))

File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/webull/webull.py:271, in webull.api_login(self, access_token, refresh_token, token_expire, uuid, mfa)
    269 self._token_expire = token_expire
    270 self._uuid = uuid
--> 271 self._account_id = self.get_account_id()

File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/webull/webull.py:325, in webull.get_account_id(self, id)
    323 result = response.json()
    324 if result['success'] and len(result['data']) > 0 :
--> 325     self.zone_var = str(result['data'][int(id)]['rzone'])
    326     self._account_id = str(result['data'][int(id)]['secAccountId'])
    327     return self._account_id

KeyError: 'rzone'
hadenponish1 commented 11 months ago

resolved. Another issue due to changing access_token, my variable was using an outdated one. For those that may encounter this issue you can use steps below to adjust.

##if there's an rzone key error or some issue logging in it's likely due to an updated access_token or did. To correct:
##1. open incognito browser, log-in to the webull account with network tab open 
##2. open the v2 request and find the data needed, access token will be in one of the json requests, look in the headers. 
##3. swap out the access_token in the .env file 

after doing this, I was able to successfully log-in and retrieve all orders as expected.