Another nofollow plugin. By adding `rel="nofollow ugc noopener external"` tag to your outbound links, it informs the bots about the quality of your link and ensures that you don't give backlinks to third-party sites.
<message>DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Tag audio invalid in Entity, line: 17</message>
<back_trace>#0 errorHandler->error() called at [/inc/class_error.php:153]
#1 errorHandler->error_callback() called at [[PHP]: ]
#2 DOMDocument->loadHTML() called at [/inc/plugins/relator.php:130]
#3 relator_main() called at [/inc/class_plugins.php:142]
#4 pluginSystem->run_hooks() called at [/inc/functions_post.php:898]
#5 build_postbit() called at [/showthread.php:1121]
We use MyCode to convert MP3 and MP4 links into a player (basic audio or video tag).
To bypass this, I use the following option at line 130:
Hi, thx for this plugins. ❤️
I used this, and error logs generated this:
We use MyCode to convert MP3 and MP4 links into a player (basic audio or video tag).
To bypass this, I use the following option at line 130:
$dom->loadHTML('<div>' . $contents . '</div>', \LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | \LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD | \LIBXML_NOERROR);
has a bug in my PHP version and does not work.