tednaleid / build-test-data-spring-jpa

Like grails build-test-data plugin, but for spring and JPA.
The Unlicense
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Provide support for Java testing #1

Open omayevskiy opened 10 years ago

omayevskiy commented 10 years ago

It's like Grails build-test-data, but for Spring/JPA projects that use groovy for testing.

It would be nice if you support java based tests, because most spring/jpa based project are built using java and not groovy like it is the case for grails ;-)

Note: it does not mean your sources must be written in java

looking forward for it, nice stuff !

tednaleid commented 10 years ago

Actually, it should work fine with Java tests too, I used it for that on my last project. I really only included groovy in the message above as the code for the project was written in groovy so you'd need to include the groovy jar in your test path in order to run it.

My current gig is a grails project where I'm using "real" build-test-data, but I think this one has interesting ideas in ways to override things. Some stuff that I might actually bring back into that if I ever do a rearchitecture of the grails plugin.