Ace Jump mode in Emacs is set up by default to only allow jumping to words that BEGIN with the character you specify, instead of jumping anywhere inside of words.
Can we add an option to restrict jumps to the beginning of words?
"""the alarmed catfish slurped the sea floor"""
Pressing 'Super+; a' with this in the editor, would only highlight Alarmed, instead of highlighting AlArmed, cAtfish, and seA.
Ace Jump mode in Emacs is set up by default to only allow jumping to words that BEGIN with the character you specify, instead of jumping anywhere inside of words.
Can we add an option to restrict jumps to the beginning of words? e.g. """the alarmed catfish slurped the sea floor""" Pressing 'Super+; a' with this in the editor, would only highlight Alarmed, instead of highlighting AlArmed, cAtfish, and seA.