tedsalmon / BlueBus

A Bluetooth module for vehicles equipped with I-Bus
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Adding Polish translation #167

Closed redssu closed 6 months ago

redssu commented 1 year ago


I noticed Pull Request #75 and did the same job for Polish language

I tried to stay below 16 characters in length, but is that the right limit? I used UTF-16 char-codes which I belive are also used in the German translation

nabucho commented 1 year ago

Great job Bartosz! Thank you so much. The character set used is actually ISO Latin-1 - only 8-bit chars are allowed (these map to utf8, utf16 equivalents ), which limits Eastern European languages a bit. Could you double check and update to fit Latin1? Then it also does not need to be backslash quoted, should generally be readable in common editor.

nabucho commented 1 year ago

The max size of text in general is 23 bytes, but that does not guarantee a fit to the screen, so shorter the better.

redssu commented 1 year ago

It turns out that Latin-1 does not support most Polish diacritic characters, so I converted them back to plain ASCII - I think they are still understandable anyway

I also changed a few lines to be longer than 16 characters, but only those that were really difficult to understand even for natives. If they are shortened by screen software, they will still be more understandable than their previous versions

nabucho commented 1 year ago

@redssu please have a look at the screens if they look correct and fit right. Are you able to compile and test yourself? Or install a .hex from me to check all the options yourself and eventually tweak? Ignore the menu titles cropping for now on the screenshots, there is a different issue now.

IMG_0541 IMG_0540 IMG_0538 IMG_0536 IMG_0547 IMG_0546 IMG_0545 IMG_0544 IMG_0543 IMG_0542

redssu commented 1 year ago

I think it's clear and looks very nice, just as it should!

Unfortunately, I can't check it on my end because I don't have the BlueBus module yet - due to financial reasons, I plan to purchase it in the summer. Also, I currently have the Business CD radio, so I don't have the ability to verify everything. But I don't see any major or issues here, so it's OK.

I see that I misinterpreted the context of the "D. Rozdzielcza" text, so I corrected it to make the word more meaningful and replaced a couple of words in other lines.