tedsteiner / OpenStreetMap.jl

Julia OpenStreetMap Package
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Problem in clustering intersections #78

Closed liyan2015 closed 8 years ago

liyan2015 commented 8 years ago


I'm running OpenStreetMap.jl in Julia 0.3.10 x64 on Win 7. When I was using the below code to filter and cluster intersections:

nodes, hwys, builds, feats = getOSMData(MAP_FILENAME) highway_sets = findHighwaySets(hwys) intersection_mapping = findIntersectionClusters(nodes,intersections,highway_sets,max_dist=15)

Julia shows

ERROR: 'findIntersectionCluster' has no method matching findIntersectionClusters(::Dict{Int64,LLA}, ::Dict{Int64,Intersection}, ::Array{HighwaySet,1})

In intersections.jl, it shows:

function findIntersectionClusters( nodes::Dict{Int,ENU}, intersections_in::Dict{Int,Intersection}, highway_clusters::Vector{HighwaySet}; max_dist=15.0 )

It seems 'findIntersectionCluster' does not accept input (Dict, Dict, Array), or OpenStreetMap.jl does not support 64-bit? Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks!

liyan2015 commented 8 years ago

My bad, ENU(nodes::Dict{Int,LLA}, reference::LLA) is needed to convert LLA to ENU first....

Perhaps it's worth mentioning in the document?

tedsteiner commented 8 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out, I'll update the documentation soon!