[x] Change to the fedora rpms git or fedpkg clone fmf
[x] Check out the rawhide branch git checkout rawhide
[x] Import the srpm using fedpkg import /path/to/the/srpm
[x] Restore any files removed by fedpkg if necessary
[x] Ensure the proposed changes are ok and commit them
[x] Create a pull request against rawhide from your fork
[x] After tests pass, merge the pull request to rawhide
[x] Build the package for rawhide fedpkg build --nowait
[x] Build package for all active releases git checkout f33 && git merge rawhide && git push && fedpkg build --nowait
[x] Create a bodhi update for each release git checkout f33 && fedpkg update --type enhancement --notes 'Update title'
Finally, if everything went well:
[x] Tag the commit with x.y.0, push tags git push --tags
[x] Manually merge the original release pull request on github (to avoid rebase) git checkout main && git merge --ff-only && git push origin main
[x] Create a new github release based on the tag above
[x] If the automation triggered by publishing the new github release was not successful, publish the fresh code to the pypi repository manually using make wheel && make upload
NOT APPLICABLE for fmf Once the copr build is completed, move the quay branch to point to the release commit as well to build fresh container images.
Omitted "maintenance" commits from release notes / changelog as they affect only the repo and packit. (meaning Tomas isn't contributor to fmf with his .packit.yaml change)
Features and bug fixes:
Repo maintenance:
for copr builds and testingTrying to follow (where applicable) for tmt release - https://tmt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/contribute.html#release:
Follow the steps below to create a new major or minor release:
Release a new package to Fedora and EPEL repositories:
Finally, if everything went well: