[x] Change to the fedora rpms git or fedpkg clone tmt
[x] Check out the rawhide branch git checkout rawhide
[x] Import the srpm using fedpkg import /path/to/the/srpm
[x] Restore any files removed by fedpkg if necessary
[x] Ensure the proposed changes are ok and commit them
[x] Create a pull request against rawhide from your fork
[x] After tests pass, merge the pull request to rawhide
[x] Build the package for rawhide fedpkg build --nowait
[x] Build package for all active releases git checkout f33 && git merge rawhide && git push && fedpkg build --nowait
[x] Create a bodhi update for each release git checkout f33 && fedpkg update --type enhancement --notes 'Update title'
Finally, if everything went well:
[x] Tag the commit with x.y.z, push tags git push --tags
[x] Manually merge the original release pull request on github (to avoid rebase) git checkout main && git merge --ff-only && git push origin main
[x] Create a new github release based on the tag above
[x] If the automation triggered by publishing the new github release was not successful, publish the fresh code to the pypi repository manually using make wheel && make upload
Bugfix release - Shallow clone is not guaranteed to be supported thus fmf should retry automatically
Release a new package to Fedora and EPEL repositories:
Finally, if everything went well: