teemtee / tmt

Test Management Tool
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Additional test result reported if test calls tmt-report-result #2389

Closed lukaszachy closed 10 months ago

lukaszachy commented 10 months ago

Simple test:

test: tmt-report-result /test/name PASS 

Before ece9db96caa8611f87f43e6e221e9ab793237b01 tmt reported summary: 1 test executed, now it reports summary: 2 tests executed

Milos was super quick to analyze via chat thus storing it here:

        if test.result == 'custom':
            return self.check_custom_results(test, guest)
        if test.framework == 'beakerlib':
            return self.check_beakerlib(test, guest)
            return self.check_result_file(test, guest)
        except tmt.utils.FileError:
            return self.check_shell(test, guest)

vs today:

        if test.result == 'custom':
            return self.load_custom_results(test, guest)

        return self.load_tmt_report_results(test, guest) \
            + test.test_framework.extract_results(self, test, guest, logger)

Or in other words: Now it is always what tmt-report-result AND framework reports.

Big question is what is right thing to do (and also see rfe for phases - #1354)

lukaszachy commented 10 months ago

Default 'framework' is now 'shell' which means tmt has always some result from framework (base on the exit code). So if some uses 'tmt-report-result' in the test script, they have no way how to "ignore" framework result decision.

happz commented 10 months ago

WRT implementation, there are multiple possible approaches:

The third one would give us the most options. And it can emulate the first and second options. I can imagine the beakerlib framework inspecting already collected results from tmt-report-result, adding results for phases, not adding results for exit code, etc.

psss commented 10 months ago

So, in order to cover the #1354 use case as well, what about recording all results reported by tmt-report-result and reporting them similarly as we do for custom results, that is each "phase" would be reported and shown in the report output and the overall result would be aggregation of all. The result aggregation would be handled by python code of the framework plugin and responsibility of tmt-report-result would only be to store all results into the file, it would not have to take care of result hierarchy handling. @pfdaly, @happz, @lukaszachy, what do you think?

happz commented 10 months ago

As discussed in the hacking session today, for this particular issue, we'd go with implementation number one, "tmt-report-result or framework, but not both". I'll submit a patch.