teemtee / tmt

Test Management Tool
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plan: Caching capability #2847

Open LecrisUT opened 1 month ago

LecrisUT commented 1 month ago

The idea is to have a similar feature to GH action cache where the user and action/tmt author are in charge of cache management. E.g. cache venv file with the key from pyproject.toml

Implementation: As a prepare/finish step plugin

This is the most straight-forward implementation



Implementation: As a dedicated phase

Could be a phase just after provision, but before prepare



Provider's implementation

The provider could their own plugin to the cache plugin to provide their interface, e.g.:

Local provider

Under /var/tmp/tmt have a cache folder location with hashes of the cache key. Than mount/symlink the cache folder in the appropriate location, making sure it is read-only. Do the opposite if no cache key is found, and write a cache folder after the finish step

Other providers

Use the same principle for local provider, but before/after tmt execution load/save the cache, e.g. for github action load/save the cache. The issue is that the cache keys that need to be fetched must be made available before the tmt execution. So depending on the implementation used, this can either be queried via tmt cli, like a tmt plans show, or the provider would write a plugin such that these steps are executed within the tmt plan execution itself.