teemuatlut / TMC2130Stepper

Arduino library for Trinamic TMC2130 Stepper driver
MIT License
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Simple Sketch on Arduino Not Working #44

Open daniel-frenkel opened 6 years ago

daniel-frenkel commented 6 years ago

I've tried to use the Simple sketch for the SilentStepStick (TMC2130) using Arduino UNO and NANO and just cannot get it to work. I have successfully ran this sketch below so I know everything is connected fine. Are there any additional details I can provide to you? Thank you very much for your help.

#include "SPI.h"

// Note: You also have to connect GND, 5V/VIO and VM.
//       A connection diagram can be found in the schematics.
#define EN_PIN    7 //enable (CFG6)
#define DIR_PIN   8 //direction
#define STEP_PIN  9 //step

#define CS_PIN   10 //chip select
#define MOSI_PIN 11 //SDI/MOSI (ICSP: 4, Uno: 11, Mega: 51)
#define MISO_PIN 12 //SDO/MISO (ICSP: 1, Uno: 12, Mega: 50)
#define SCK_PIN  13 //CLK/SCK  (ICSP: 3, Uno: 13, Mega: 52)

//TMC2130 registers
#define WRITE_FLAG     (1<<7) //write flag
#define READ_FLAG      (0<<7) //read flag
#define REG_GCONF      0x00
#define REG_GSTAT      0x01
#define REG_IHOLD_IRUN 0x10
#define REG_CHOPCONF   0x6C
#define REG_COOLCONF   0x6D
#define REG_DCCTRL     0x6E
#define REG_DRVSTATUS  0x6F

uint8_t tmc_write(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t data)
  uint8_t s;

  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);

  s = SPI.transfer(cmd);
  SPI.transfer((data>> 8UL)&0xFF)&0xFF;
  SPI.transfer((data>> 0UL)&0xFF)&0xFF;

  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);

  return s;

uint8_t tmc_read(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t *data)
  uint8_t s;

  tmc_write(cmd, 0UL); //set read address

  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);

  s = SPI.transfer(cmd);
  *data  = SPI.transfer(0x00)&0xFF;
  *data <<=8;
  *data |= SPI.transfer(0x00)&0xFF;
  *data <<=8;
  *data |= SPI.transfer(0x00)&0xFF;
  *data <<=8;
  *data |= SPI.transfer(0x00)&0xFF;

  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);

  return s;

void setup()
  //set pins
  pinMode(EN_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(EN_PIN, HIGH); //deactivate driver (LOW active)
  pinMode(DIR_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(DIR_PIN, LOW); //LOW or HIGH
  pinMode(STEP_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(STEP_PIN, LOW);

  pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);
  pinMode(MOSI_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(MOSI_PIN, LOW);
  pinMode(MISO_PIN, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(MISO_PIN, HIGH);
  pinMode(SCK_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(SCK_PIN, LOW);

  //init serial port
  Serial.begin(9600); //init serial port and set baudrate
  while(!Serial); //wait for serial port to connect (needed for Leonardo only)

  //init SPI
  //SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE3); //SPI Mode 3
  //SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); //MSB first
  //SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV128); //clk=Fcpu/128
  SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(1000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3));

  //set TMC2130 config
  tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_GCONF,      0x00000001UL); //voltage on AIN is current reference
  tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_IHOLD_IRUN, 0x00001010UL); //IHOLD=0x10, IRUN=0x10
  tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_CHOPCONF,   0x00008008UL); //native 256 microsteps, MRES=0, TBL=1=24, TOFF=8
  //tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_CHOPCONF,   0x01008008UL); //128 microsteps, MRES=0, TBL=1=24, TOFF=8
  //tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_CHOPCONF,   0x02008008UL); // 64 microsteps, MRES=0, TBL=1=24, TOFF=8
  //tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_CHOPCONF,   0x03008008UL); // 32 microsteps, MRES=0, TBL=1=24, TOFF=8
  //tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_CHOPCONF,   0x04008008UL); // 16 microsteps, MRES=0, TBL=1=24, TOFF=8
  //tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_CHOPCONF,   0x05008008UL); //  8 microsteps, MRES=0, TBL=1=24, TOFF=8
  //tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_CHOPCONF,   0x06008008UL); //  4 microsteps, MRES=0, TBL=1=24, TOFF=8
  //tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_CHOPCONF,   0x07008008UL); //  2 microsteps, MRES=0, TBL=1=24, TOFF=8
  //tmc_write(WRITE_FLAG|REG_CHOPCONF,   0x08008008UL); //  1 microsteps, MRES=0, TBL=1=24, TOFF=8

  //TMC2130 outputs on (LOW active)
  digitalWrite(EN_PIN, LOW);

void loop()
  static uint32_t last_time=0;
  uint32_t ms = millis();
  uint32_t data;
  uint8_t s;

  if((ms-last_time) > 1000) //run every 1s
    last_time = ms;

    //show REG_GSTAT
    s = tmc_read(REG_GSTAT, &data);
    Serial.print("GSTAT:     0x0");
    Serial.print(data, HEX);
    Serial.print("\t - ");
    Serial.print("Status: 0x");
    Serial.print(s, HEX);
    if(s & 0x01) Serial.print(" reset");
    if(s & 0x02) Serial.print(" error");
    if(s & 0x04) Serial.print(" sg2");
    if(s & 0x08) Serial.print(" standstill");
    Serial.println(" ");

    //show REG_DRVSTATUS
    s = tmc_read(REG_DRVSTATUS, &data);
    Serial.print("DRVSTATUS: 0x");
    Serial.print(data, HEX);
    Serial.print("\t - ");
    Serial.print("Status: 0x");
    Serial.print(s, HEX);
    if(s & 0x01) Serial.print(" reset");
    if(s & 0x02) Serial.print(" error");
    if(s & 0x04) Serial.print(" sg2");
    if(s & 0x08) Serial.print(" standstill");
    Serial.println(" ");

  //make steps
  digitalWrite(STEP_PIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(STEP_PIN, LOW);
daniel-frenkel commented 6 years ago

I inserted the SPI pins into the code and now it works

#define MOSI_PIN 11 //SDI/MOSI (ICSP: 4, Uno: 11, Mega: 51)
#define MISO_PIN 12 //SDO/MISO (ICSP: 1, Uno: 12, Mega: 50)
#define SCK_PIN  13 //CLK/SCK  (ICSP: 3, Uno: 13, Mega: 52)
teemuatlut commented 6 years ago

Do you mean you switched to software SPI? That shouldn't be necessary, but I think I'll need to test other platforms when I have the time. I typically use ATMega2560 or some 32bit chip to test everything.

daniel-frenkel commented 6 years ago

I hooked up the SDO, SCK , and SDI pins on the SilentStepStick to the arduino and defined the pins in the sketch like I did above. This fixed my problem for the Simple sketch as well as the StallGuard sketch.

Warsenius commented 5 years ago

Do you mean you switched to software SPI? That shouldn't be necessary, but I think I'll need to test other platforms when I have the time. I typically use ATMega2560 or some 32bit chip to test everything.

did you ever managed to test on a arduino bord? im trying to use the TMC2130 with a Arduino Uno but i can not get it to work.