Closed Patrick-Yao-SRE closed 4 years ago
Possible reasons could be that the stallGuard threshold value isn't tuned or that you have a communication issue where the SPI reads all high. I suggest you try the example here
I have actually tried using the code you just posted before. The values I am getting are constantly at "0 1023 976" and not changing. I hear that it may be an SPI communication error, but I double-check my connections on the TMC2130 and Arduino UNO. Have seen this problem before and what solution solved this?
Try reading DRV_STATUS and see if the value is valid (not 0xFFFFFFFF or 0x0). First check that your comms are working okey and then start adjusting the stallguard threshold. Try not to make any unnecessary changes.
DRV_STATUS is at 0xFFFFFFFF. I played around with the stallguard threshold and nothing change. I am using the 17HS24-2104S stepper motor. Does the motor type matter?
You need to get your SPI working before anything. Check pins, check voltages, check your lines, etc.
Yes, I believe that could be the issue. I am getting a new controller. I'll post the results when I received it.
I have changed controller and tried running the code you have shared here. I am seeing the same results, as in the serial monitor is only showing 1023 for SG_Result
Ok i have solve the problem. Ultimately it came down to the TMC2130 driver I used. I used the BigTreeTech version of the TMC2130 driver. In their manual, they said we need to short the SPI pin together for STEP/DIR mode. Don't do that. just buy the SPI version of the driver and it will work normally.
I have a problem making the StallGuard feature of the TMC2130 to work with my Arduino UNO. I was able to get the stepper motor working, but I wasn't able to read the updates through the SG_Results. I am only reading 1023
Here is the code I used
Any advice would be appreciated