Closed necropotame closed 8 years ago
Step 1: Add CModAPI_Animation that contains the list of key frame and some options. A frame contains only X,Y,Angle and Time. Add CModAPI_AnimationState that contains a pointer to an animation, and interpolated values from key frames.
Step 2: Add NetObject_ModAPI_AnimatedSprite, a NetObject like NetObject_Sprite, but that contains also a StartTick, an AnimationID and a speed. Add a new ModItem to store in the .mod file animations
Step 3: Move RenderTee to CModAPI_Client_Graphics, create CModAPI_TeeAnimation and CModAPI_TeeAnimationState, and use them to render the Tee and the weapon. This part need more discussion.
Step 1 and 2 are done in the animation branch.
Add a CModAPI_ModItem_Animation based on the vanilla CAnimation. The .mod file can send it to the client. Custom animations can be used for weapon animation.