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Snippet collection #2

Open vutran1710 opened 2 years ago

vutran1710 commented 2 years ago

Is there any plan to provide a snippet collection, where we users can contribute elisp snippet? I think it would be very helpful for newcomers to emacs to get familiar with elisp quickly.

tefkah commented 2 years ago

Interesting idea, what would you imagine this looking like?

The goal of Emacs Docs is primarily to be a repository for authoritative references on Emacs and related packages, less so to become an Emacs-Wiki like platform. Not because I don't think it's a nice idea, but because when looking thing up on Emacs Wiki I often got frustrated by the lack of cohesion between the articles and the fact that many of said articles and snippets were rather outdated, either because those particular functions had been deprecated or because better solutions exist.

I like the idea of perhaps having a user submitted snippet section somewhere, maybe one which will prompt users to submit it to the respective manuals first (they always encourage you to submit better examples through, confusingly, M-x report-emacs-bug), so that said snippets will automatically get included in the manuals eventually. But I'm worried that this will simply repeat the same pattern I mentioned seeing in Emacs Wiki, due to the simple facts that a) It's much easier and more fun to submit snippets rather than check them b) The Emacs user base is rather low, so there are not enough people doing the checking

That's just my interpretation of that though, let me know what you think!

vutran1710 commented 2 years ago

I see your point. From my own exp with emacs over the years, sometimes a snippet, though far from perfect, can still serves as a clue. And one clue is better than no clue 👯 So Id still love to have them xD