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Improve backlog management with Prioritization Queue #105

Open tegon-bot[bot] opened 3 days ago

tegon-bot[bot] commented 3 days ago


Traditional backlogs often become bloated with a mix of:

This clutters the backlog, making prioritization a nightmare. Teams resort to scattered discussions and documentation (meetings, Slack, separate tools) to manage these elements.


Tegon offers a streamlined approach:

  1. Unscoped Status:A dedicated "Unscoped" status clearly separates unrefined ideas and research tasks from your prioritized backlog

  2. Prioritization Queue: A dedicated section with a tabular layout presents both "Unscoped" and "Backlog" items for easy comparison.

  3. Data-driven Decisions: Additional fields like ARR impact, number of requesting companies, and error rate empower data-driven prioritization decisions.

  4. Centralized Research: This section facilitates collaborative research discussions between PMs and Engineers directly within the issue tracker.

tegon-bot[bot] commented 3 days ago

ENG-294 Improve backlog management with Prioritization Queue