tehbaskin / realmcraftproj

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Races #1

Open tehbaskin opened 7 years ago

tehbaskin commented 7 years ago

Need to draft details

Phraughst commented 7 years ago

I am thinking robots as an established, civilized race. Humans are displaced, desperate survivors after creating these creatures and attempting to subvert them. The robots can belong to any setting; polished iBots for future stuff, clockwork/steam for fantasy primitive, or chunks of material bound by energy into humanoid form for high fantasy. I see them as an aloof but goodly race of light and law. The humans are guerrilla warriors and bandits banished to the wilderness and shadows of ruined outskirt cities.

Phraughst commented 7 years ago

Elves are hard to counter. We either go the tried route of dark elves, or invent something. Maybe the races do not all have to counter each other culturally. I see ghosts materialized my magic, maybe a curse. The elves and these former elves decide to live apart. They respect each other, but the union brings too much pain to both sides.

Phraughst commented 7 years ago

Little races. I am down with gnomes, but I want them to rest in an unsettling space between cute and creepy. Huge eyes slightly too far apart. Smiles that span the entire wide face on overly large heads. Twitching character animations. As a counter: gobliny goblins. Mischievous, wild behavior. A horde theme. I like the idea of a character that is actually 2 or 3 goblins stacked or hanging on each other.

Phraughst commented 7 years ago

Someone mentioned giants and I like that. Giants and trolls. 50% size increase over other characters for both races. The giants look thick, stout, and maybe hairy. The trolls are scraggly, scarred, and twisted.

Phraughst commented 7 years ago

I can totally nail story for all of them once we settle on races we like and setting.

dochyel commented 7 years ago

I like the elves and ghosts countering eachother. An affection too painful to maintain because of timeless, ageless races too different to bond, yet coexist peacefully... sweet tragedy.

Your description of gnomes brings to mind the goblins of pathfinder, but i am not opposed to that. How would the goblin teams appear compared to the gnomes?

Humans vs robots, would both be playable? I am reminded of many robots in pop culture, from Data keeping a pet cat named Spot to understand humanity, to the nurses from the time streams episode of Dr Who stating "this is a kindness." There is plenty of opportunity for awkward "this is how you people?" Scripting, and i expect much of it will be hilarious.

The idea of Giants Vs Trolls as far as contrasting body types, with giants getting power and defense while trolls get finesse and regeneration, is very exciting to me.

Phraughst commented 7 years ago

I am not talking abilities until we settle on races. I sort of need a theme fit that, too. I would love to incorporate regeneration, though. Yes, playable robots. Refined, calculating. Cities that are obviously human cities in the process of "upgrade." Humans are outlawed (possible exceptions).

dochyel commented 7 years ago

I think racism integrated into the game world and maintained by a storyline is inconvenient for friend group play, which i was under the impression was a major aspect of the game. Preventing friends from connecting before they can complete the tutorial is fine, but to say "no (insert race) in this area" may create a feeling of "then that area is useless to me," level if avoidance.

What did you have in mind regarding how such a thing would work?

Phraughst commented 7 years ago

Everquest was brilliant for that. Races hailed from cultures with reputations. They had different languages. Not only could you learn the language, you could slowly gain influence and finally trust among cultures that traditionally fear/hate your race. You could buy in to your culture and war on their opposition, or leave the ways of your people for another path.

dochyel commented 7 years ago

That is an interesting approach. I wish i had been more interested in everquest, but at the time i was expecting a more hack and slash diablo style game and mmos had cool times and activation times that frustrated me.

I now understand why they did things they did the way they did, but i look forward to working around the old tech limitations and hiding activation progress bars and using animations instead. But that is a completely seperate conversation.