tehkillerbee / mopidy-tidal

Tidal Backend plugin for Mopidy
Apache License 2.0
91 stars 28 forks source link

Setup issue: what should i do? #58

Closed Marshalldog closed 2 years ago

Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

Hi im setting up mopidy tidal but im stuck

''' OAuth Flow Using the new OAuth flow, you have to visit a link to connect the mopidy app to your login.

When you restart the Mopidy server, check the latest systemd logs and find a line like:

journalctl -u mopidy | tail -5
Visit link.tidal.com/AAAAA to log in, the code will expire in 300 seconds``
Go to that link in your browser, approve it, and that should be it.

Note that the login process is a blocking action, so Mopidy will not load until you approve the application. The OAuth session will be reloaded automatically when Mopidy is restarted. It will be necessary to perform these steps again if/when the session expires or if the json file is moved.


I got up to the step above but I'm having trouble I did:

journalctl -u mopidy | tail -5

but I only got this back:

May 22 16:47:00 ###### mopidy[1768]: ERROR    [PodcastBackend-4 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot retrieve Podcast root directory
May 22 16:47:00 ######mopidy[1768]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: QueueManagerFrontend, MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
May 22 16:47:00 ###### mopidy[1768]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at [::]:6600
May 22 16:47:00 ###### mopidy[1768]: INFO     [HttpFrontend-12 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
May 22 16:47:00###### mopidy[1768]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop

What should I do?

Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

note this is my config:

# For further information about options in this file see:
#   https://docs.mopidy.com/
# The initial commented out values reflect the defaults as of:
#   Mopidy 3.0.2
#   Mopidy-File 3.0.2
#   Mopidy-HTTP 3.0.2
#   Mopidy-M3U 3.0.2
#   Mopidy-MPD 3.0.0
#   Mopidy-SoftwareMixer 3.0.2
#   Mopidy-Spotify 4.0.1
#   Mopidy-Stream 3.0.2
# Available options and defaults might have changed since then,
# run `mopidy config` to see the current effective config and
# `mopidy --version` to check the current version.

#cache_dir = $XDG_CACHE_DIR/mopidy
#config_dir = $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/mopidy
#data_dir = $XDG_DATA_DIR/mopidy
#max_tracklist_length = 10000
#restore_state = false

#verbosity = 0
#format = %(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s [%(process)d:%(threadName)s] %(name)s\n  %(message)s
#color = true
#config_file =

#mixer = software
#mixer_volume = 
output =  audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! wavenc ! filesink location=/tmp/snapfifo
#buffer_time = 

#scheme = 
#hostname = 
#port = 
#username = 
#password = 

#enabled = true
#media_dirs = 
#  ~/|Home
#excluded_file_extensions = 
#  .directory
#  .html
#  .jpeg
#  .jpg
#  .log
#  .nfo
#  .pdf
#  .png
#  .txt
#  .zip
#show_dotfiles = false
#follow_symlinks = false
#metadata_timeout = 1000

enabled = true
hostname =
port = 6680
zeroconf = Mopidy HTTP server on $hostname
allowed_origins = 
csrf_protection = true
default_app = mopidy

#enabled = true
#base_dir = $XDG_MUSIC_DIR
#default_encoding = latin-1
#default_extension = .m3u8
#playlists_dir =

#enabled = true

#enabled = true
#protocols = 
#  http
#  https
#  mms
#  rtmp
#  rtmps
#  rtsp
#metadata_blacklist = 
#timeout = 5000

enabled = true
quality = LOSSLESS
#client_id =
#client_secret =

#enabled = true
hostname = :: 
port = 6600
#password = 
#max_connections = 20
#connection_timeout = 60
#zeroconf = Mopidy MPD server on $hostname
#command_blacklist = 
#  listall
#  listallinfo
#default_playlist_scheme = m3u

enabled = true
debug = false
tehkillerbee commented 2 years ago

Perhaps, your log contains a few more log messages so you cannot see the login prompt. less only shows the last 5 logged lines. Try restarting mopidy then viewing the full log since boot:

journalctl -u mopidy -b
Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

i got this

May 22 17:25:48 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 22 17:25:48 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy._>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.c>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.c>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.c>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.c>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.c>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy._>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy._>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ERROR    [MainThread] mopidy._>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: Traceback (most recent call la>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist->
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     extension.setup(registry)
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from .backend import YouTu>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from mopidy_youtube.apis i>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from ytmusicapi import YTM>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.c>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.c>
lines 1-23
May 22 17:25:48 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 22 17:25:48 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Starting Mopidy 3.3.0
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.config Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Enabled extensions: softwaremixer, stream, iris, mpd, mopify, youtube, file, >
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Disabled extensions: none
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ERROR    [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Extension youtube failed during setup. This might have left the registry in a>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: Traceback (most recent call last):
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mopidy/__main__.py", line 129, in main
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     extension.setup(registry)
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/__init__.py", line 39, in setup
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from .backend import YouTubeBackend, YouTubeCoreListener
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/backend.py", line 10, in <module>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from mopidy_youtube.apis import youtube_api, youtube_japi, youtube_music
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/apis/youtube_music.py", line 7, in <module>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from ytmusicapi import YTMusic
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ytmusicapi'
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio
lines 1-23...skipping...
May 22 17:25:48 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 22 17:25:48 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Starting Mopidy 3.3.0
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.config Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Enabled extensions: softwaremixer, stream, iris, mpd, mopify, youtube, file, >
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Disabled extensions: none
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ERROR    [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Extension youtube failed during setup. This might have left the registry in a>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: Traceback (most recent call last):
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mopidy/__main__.py", line 129, in main
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     extension.setup(registry)
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/__init__.py", line 39, in setup
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from .backend import YouTubeBackend, YouTubeCoreListener
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/backend.py", line 10, in <module>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from mopidy_youtube.apis import youtube_api, youtube_japi, youtube_music
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/apis/youtube_music.py", line 7, in <module>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from ytmusicapi import YTMusic
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ytmusicapi'
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy backends: iTunesPodcastBackend, PodcastBackend, FileBackend, >
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.internal.path Creating dir file:///etc/mopidy/podcast
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot access Mopidy-Podcast config directory: Permission denied
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy core
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ERROR    [PodcastBackend-4 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot retrieve Podcast root directory
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [Audio-2 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.audio.actor Audio output set to "audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,cha>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: IrisFrontend, QueueManagerFrontend, MpdFrontend, H>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.63.0
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at [::]:6600
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [HttpFrontend-13 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop

Any clue????

Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

wait i don't think this step worked

rm /var/lib/mopidy/tidal/tidal-oauth.json

because I got

rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/mopidy/tidal/tidal-oauth.json': No such file or directory

what would you recommend doing?

tehkillerbee commented 2 years ago

I see you get the error Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found indicates that mopidy-tidal has not been installed.

Make sure you have installed it into the correct python environment:

sudo pip3 install --upgrade tidalapi

Regarding the tidal-oauth.json file, this step is usually only needed when upgrading an older mopidy-tidal version.

rm /var/lib/mopidy/tidal/tidal-oauth.json

Also I notice that you have some missing modules that you'd want to install, although they are not related to mopidy-tidal:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ytmusicapi'
Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

got to the second step

 rm /var/lib/mopidy/tidal/tidal-oauth.json

and got this

rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/mopidy/tidal/tidal-oauth.json': No such file or directory

don't think it worked

tehkillerbee commented 2 years ago

@Marshalldog The step you are mentioning are only (sometimes) needed if you upgrade your mopidy-tidal installation. Usually, that step is not necessary. If the file does not exist, then it has never been created by mopidy-tidal - i.e., you have never previously authenticated your account.

If you have managed to install mopidy-tidal correctly, you should get a log message stating:

Visit link.tidal.com/AAAAA to log in, the code will expire in 300 seconds``

However, if you do not get this message, then Mopidy TIdal has not been installed correctly. Your previous log messages hint that mopidy-tidal is not installed at all.

Please check verify that you have installed mopidy-tidal into the same python environment that is running mopidy.

Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

did I do something wrong?

kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ sudo apt install mopidy
/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
mopidy is already the newest version (3.3.0-1).
0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.
kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ pip install Mopidy-Tidal
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: Mopidy-Tidal in .c (0.2.7)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from Mopidy-Tidal) (59.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: Pykka>=1.1 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from Mopidy-Tidal) (2.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.0.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from Mopidy-Tidal) (2.25.1)
Requirement already satisfied: Mopidy>=3.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from Mopidy-Tidal) (3.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tidalapi<0.7.0,>=0.6.9 in cd  (from Mopidy-Tidal) (0.6.10)
kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ sudo python3 setup.py install --force
/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error
python3: can't open file '/home/kelly/setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade tidalapi
/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error
Requirement already satisfied: tidalapi in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.6.10)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from tidalapi) (2.25.1)
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv
kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ rm /var/lib/mopidy/tidal/tidal-oauth.json
rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/mopidy/tidal/tidal-oauth.json': No such file or directory

did I do something wrong? i ran

watch -n 1 "ps u -C python3"

and no program appeared

Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

did some exploring

kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ find -iname tidal*
tehkillerbee commented 2 years ago

"Requirement already satisfied: Mopidy-Tidal in .c (0.2.7)", that path does not look right.

I do not think you have installed Mopidy-Tidal correctly. On my machine, it looks something like this. Both tidalapo and Mopidy-TIdal should be installed. The former is installed automatically when installing Mopidy-Tidal.

pi@rpimedia:~ $ find -iname tidalapi
pi@rpimedia:~ $ find -iname Mopidy_Tidal*

Also, you can only call sudo python3 setup.py install --force from the Mopidy-Tidal source root, i.e. if you have cloned Mopidy-Tidal repo and changed to that directory. It looks like you are calling this function from your home directory, that's not going to work.

Try reinstalling Mopidy-Tidal

pip3 install --force-reinstall Mopidy-Tidal

Then restart Mopidy (If you are running as a service):

sudo service mopidy restart
Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

Also, you can only call sudo python3 setup.py install --force from the Mopidy-Tidal source root, i.e. if you have cloned Mopidy-Tidal repo and changed to that directory. It looks like you are calling this function from your home directory, that's not going to work.

how would I fix that?

also nothing changed:

kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ pip3 install --force-reinstall Mopidy-Tidal
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting Mopidy-Tidal
  Using cached Mopidy_Tidal-0.2.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl (16 kB)
Collecting Mopidy>=3.0
  Using cached Mopidy-3.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (128 kB)
Collecting Pykka>=1.1
  Using cached pykka-3.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (27 kB)
Collecting setuptools
  Using cached setuptools-62.3.2-py3-none-any.whl (1.2 MB)
Collecting requests>=2.0.0
  Using cached requests-2.27.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (63 kB)
Collecting tidalapi<0.7.0,>=0.6.9
  Using cached tidalapi-0.6.10-py3-none-any.whl (13 kB)
Collecting tornado>=4.4
  Using cached tornado-6.1-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17
  Using cached certifi-2022.5.18.1-py3-none-any.whl (155 kB)
Collecting charset-normalizer~=2.0.0
  Using cached charset_normalizer-2.0.12-py3-none-any.whl (39 kB)
Collecting urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1
  Using cached urllib3-1.26.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (138 kB)
Collecting idna<4,>=2.5
  Using cached idna-3.3-py3-none-any.whl (61 kB)
Installing collected packages: urllib3, tornado, setuptools, Pykka, idna, charset-normalizer, certifi, requests, tidalapi, Mopidy, Mopidy-Tidal
  Attempting uninstall: urllib3
    Found existing installation: urllib3 1.26.9
    Uninstalling urllib3-1.26.9:
      Successfully uninstalled urllib3-1.26.9
  Attempting uninstall: tornado
    Found existing installation: tornado 6.1
    Uninstalling tornado-6.1:
      Successfully uninstalled tornado-6.1
  Attempting uninstall: setuptools
    Found existing installation: setuptools 62.3.2
    Uninstalling setuptools-62.3.2:
      Successfully uninstalled setuptools-62.3.2
  Attempting uninstall: Pykka
    Found existing installation: pykka 3.0.2
    Uninstalling pykka-3.0.2:
      Successfully uninstalled pykka-3.0.2
  Attempting uninstall: idna
    Found existing installation: idna 3.3
    Uninstalling idna-3.3:
      Successfully uninstalled idna-3.3
  Attempting uninstall: charset-normalizer
    Found existing installation: charset-normalizer 2.0.12
    Uninstalling charset-normalizer-2.0.12:
      Successfully uninstalled charset-normalizer-2.0.12
  Attempting uninstall: certifi
    Found existing installation: certifi 2022.5.18.1
    Uninstalling certifi-2022.5.18.1:
      Successfully uninstalled certifi-2022.5.18.1
  Attempting uninstall: requests
    Found existing installation: requests 2.27.1
    Uninstalling requests-2.27.1:
      Successfully uninstalled requests-2.27.1
  Attempting uninstall: tidalapi
    Found existing installation: tidalapi 0.6.10
    Uninstalling tidalapi-0.6.10:
      Successfully uninstalled tidalapi-0.6.10
  Attempting uninstall: Mopidy
    Found existing installation: Mopidy 3.3.0
    Uninstalling Mopidy-3.3.0:
      Successfully uninstalled Mopidy-3.3.0
  Attempting uninstall: Mopidy-Tidal
    Found existing installation: Mopidy-Tidal 0.2.7
    Uninstalling Mopidy-Tidal-0.2.7:
      Successfully uninstalled Mopidy-Tidal-0.2.7
Successfully installed Mopidy-3.3.0 Mopidy-Tidal-0.2.7 Pykka-3.0.2 certifi-2022.5.18.1 charset-normalizer-2.0.12 idna-3.3 requests-2.27.1 setuptools-62.3.2 tidalapi-0.6.10 tornado-6.1 urllib3-1.26.9
kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ sudo service mopidy restart
/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error
kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ journalctl -u mopidy | tail -5
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: IrisFrontend, QueueManagerFrontend, MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.63.0
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at [::]:6600
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [HttpFrontend-13 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop
kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ journalctl -u mopidy | tail -5
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: IrisFrontend, QueueManagerFrontend, MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.63.0
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at [::]:6600
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [HttpFrontend-13 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
May 22 22:48:35 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[31072]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop
kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ journalctl -u mopidy -b
May 22 17:25:48 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 22 17:25:48 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Starting Mopidy 3.3.0
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.config Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Enabled extensions: softwaremixer, stream, iris, mpd, mopify, youtube, file, http, podcast, podcast-itunes, mobile, m3u
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Disabled extensions: none
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ERROR    [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Extension youtube failed during setup. This might have left the registry in a bad state.
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: Traceback (most recent call last):
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mopidy/__main__.py", line 129, in main
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     extension.setup(registry)
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/__init__.py", line 39, in setup
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from .backend import YouTubeBackend, YouTubeCoreListener
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/backend.py", line 10, in <module>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from mopidy_youtube.apis import youtube_api, youtube_japi, youtube_music
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/apis/youtube_music.py", line 7, in <module>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]:     from ytmusicapi import YTMusic
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ytmusicapi'
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy backends: iTunesPodcastBackend, PodcastBackend, FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.internal.path Creating dir file:///etc/mopidy/podcast
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot access Mopidy-Podcast config directory: Permission denied
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy core
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: ERROR    [PodcastBackend-4 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot retrieve Podcast root directory
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [Audio-2 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.audio.actor Audio output set to "audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! wavenc ! filesink l>
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: IrisFrontend, QueueManagerFrontend, MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.63.0
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at [::]:6600
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [HttpFrontend-13 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
May 22 17:25:49 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop
May 22 22:10:06 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Stopping Mopidy music server...
May 22 22:10:06 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands GLib mainloop got SIGTERM. Exiting...
May 22 22:10:06 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy frontends
May 22 22:10:06 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Stopping Iris
May 22 22:10:06 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy core
May 22 22:10:06 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy backends
May 22 22:10:06 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy audio
May 22 22:10:06 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1757]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy mixer
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: mopidy.service: Deactivated successfully.
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Stopped Mopidy music server.
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Starting Mopidy 3.3.0
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.config Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Enabled extensions: mobile, stream, podcast, podcast-itunes, file, softwaremixer, m3u, mopify, iris, mpd, youtube, http
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Disabled extensions: none
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: ERROR    [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Extension youtube failed during setup. This might have left the registry in a bad state.
May 22 22:10:07 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[30821]: Traceback (most recent call last):
tehkillerbee commented 2 years ago

From your latest log, it still does not look like Mopidy-Tidal is installed.

Do you have more than one python environment on your PC? Perhaps that's causing some issues.

Try pip3 show mopidy Mopidy-Tidal tidalapi, it should show where all the relevant packages are installed on your machine.

Also, on an unrelated note, "/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error" does not look right to me. Have you been modifying your sudoers list by hand?

Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

That's what i got

kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ pip3 show mopidy Mopidy-Tidal tidalapi
Name: Mopidy
Version: 3.3.0
Summary: Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python
Home-page: https://mopidy.com/
Author: Stein Magnus Jodal
Author-email: stein.magnus@jodal.no
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Location: /home/kelly/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages
Requires: Pykka, requests, setuptools, tornado
Required-by: Mopidy-Iris, Mopidy-Mobile, Mopidy-Mopify, Mopidy-Podcast, Mopidy-Podcast-iTunes, Mopidy-Tidal, Mopidy-YouTube
Name: Mopidy-Tidal
Version: 0.2.7
Summary: Tidal music service integration
Home-page: https://github.com/tehkillerbee/mopidy-tidal
Author: Johannes Linde
Author-email: josaksel.dk@gmail.com
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Location: /home/kelly/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages
Requires: Mopidy, Pykka, requests, setuptools, tidalapi
Name: tidalapi
Version: 0.6.10
Summary: Unofficial API for TIDAL music streaming service.
Home-page: https://github.com/tamland/python-tidal
Author: Thomas Amland
Author-email: thomas.amland@googlemail.com
License: LGPL
Location: /home/kelly/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages
Requires: requests
Required-by: Mopidy-Tidal

Do you have more than one python environment on your PC? Perhaps that's causing some issues. IDK, I don't believe so, but I'll search up how to check Also, on an unrelated note, "/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error" does not look right to me. Have you been modifying your sudoers list by hand? no

Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

Do you have more than one python environment on your PC? Perhaps that's causing some issues.

no clue how to do that or look for multiple environments

tehkillerbee commented 2 years ago

Your issue is very similar to this one

How are you launching Mopidy? As a different user perhaps? As a service? You can try the following, while replacing mopidy_user with the actual user used to launch mopidy.

You can install Mopidy-Tidal as a specific user:

sudo -u <mopidy user> pip3 install Mopidy-Tidal

It's also odd that other plugins such as ytmusicapi is not found. Maybe you should consider reinstalling mopidy all-together?

fmarzocca commented 2 years ago

/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error mopidy_iris/system.sh

I'm quite sure the error is here. That line in sudoers must be: mopidy ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mopidy_iris/system.sh

Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

How are you launching Mopidy? As a different user perhaps? As a service? yep, as a service

Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

here's something interesting

kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ sudo mopidyctl deps
/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error
[sudo] password for kelly:
Running "/usr/bin/mopidy --config /usr/share/mopidy/conf.d:/etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf deps" as user mopidy
WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.config Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found
Executable: /usr/bin/mopidy
Platform: Linux-5.15.0-33-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
Python: CPython 3.10.4 from /usr/lib/python3.10
Mopidy: 3.3.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-Iris: 3.63.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  Pykka: 2.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  setuptools: 59.6.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  Mopidy: 3.3.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-Mopify: 1.7.3 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  ConfigObj: 5.0.6 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
    six: 1.16.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  setuptools: 59.6.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  Mopidy: 3.3.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-Podcast: 3.0.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  cachetools: 5.1.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  Pykka: 2.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  setuptools: 59.6.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  uritools: 4.0.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  Mopidy: 3.3.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-MPD: 3.3.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-YouTube: 3.5 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  beautifulsoup4: 4.11.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
    soupsieve: 2.3.2.post1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  Pykka: 2.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  requests: 2.25.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  cachetools: 5.1.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  setuptools: 59.6.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  Mopidy: 3.3.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-Podcast-iTunes: 3.0.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  Pykka: 2.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  setuptools: 59.6.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  Mopidy: 3.3.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  requests: 2.25.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  Mopidy-Podcast: 3.0.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
    cachetools: 5.1.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
    Pykka: 2.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
    setuptools: 59.6.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
    uritools: 4.0.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
    Mopidy: 3.3.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-Mobile: 1.10.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages
  Mopidy: 3.3.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
  setuptools: 59.6.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
GStreamer: from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi
  Detailed information:
    Python wrapper: python-gi 3.42.0
    Relevant elements:
      Not found:
Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

did what you said

kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ sudo -u kelly pip3 install Mopidy-Tidal
/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: Mopidy-Tidal in ./.local/lib/python3.10/site-pack                              ages (0.2.7)
Requirement already satisfied: Mopidy>=3.0 in ./.local/lib/python3.10/site-packa                              ges (from Mopidy-Tidal) (3.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: Pykka>=1.1 in ./.local/lib/python3.10/site-packag                              es (from Mopidy-Tidal) (3.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in ./.local/lib/python3.10/site-packag                              es (from Mopidy-Tidal) (62.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.0.0 in ./.local/lib/python3.10/site-p                              ackages (from Mopidy-Tidal) (2.27.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tidalapi<0.7.0,>=0.6.9 in ./.local/lib/python3.10                              /site-packages (from Mopidy-Tidal) (0.6.10)
Requirement already satisfied: tornado>=4.4 in ./.local/lib/python3.10/site-pack                              ages (from Mopidy>=3.0->Mopidy-Tidal) (6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in ./.local/lib/python3                              .10/site-packages (from requests>=2.0.0->Mopidy-Tidal) (2.0.12)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in ./.local/lib/python3.10/sit                              e-packages (from requests>=2.0.0->Mopidy-Tidal) (2022.5.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in ./.local/lib/python3.10/site-pack                              ages (from requests>=2.0.0->Mopidy-Tidal) (3.3)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in ./.local/lib/python3.10/                              site-packages (from requests>=2.0.0->Mopidy-Tidal) (1.26.9)
tehkillerbee commented 2 years ago

@fmarzocca Yes, there is definitely something fishy going on with that sudoers file.

@Marshalldog Whats currently in your /etc/sudoers file?

The install guide for iris states:

Run sudo python3 -m pip install Mopidy-Iris.
Run sudo sh -c 'echo "mopidy ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mopidy_iris/system.sh" >> /etc/sudoers' to allow mopidy user sudo permission to run the Iris installer. If you've customised your install location, make sure you change the path to Iris' system.sh file.

Naturally, the path to python must correspond to the version you are using (The install guide assumes python3.7). So I think you should make sure the path corresponds to /usr/local/lib/python3.10. Something like:

mopidy ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_iris/system.sh
Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

@fmarzocca Yes, there is definitely something fishy going on with that sudoers file.

@Marshalldog Whats currently in your /etc/sudoers file?

The install guide for iris states:

Run sudo python3 -m pip install Mopidy-Iris.
Run sudo sh -c 'echo "mopidy ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mopidy_iris/system.sh" >> /etc/sudoers' to allow mopidy user sudo permission to run the Iris installer. If you've customised your install location, make sure you change the path to Iris' system.sh file.

Naturally, the path to python must correspond to the version you are using (The install guide assumes python3.7). So I think you should make sure the path corresponds to /usr/local/lib/python3.10. Something like:

mopidy ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_iris/system.sh

just did that, still same

/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error
Marshalldog commented 2 years ago

nothings changed

kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure mopidy
/etc/sudoers:56:22: syntax error
kelly@kelly-GB-BSi5-6200:~$ journalctl -u mopidy -b
May 24 21:19:38 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:19:38 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Starting Mopidy 3.3.0
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.config Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension w>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Enabled extensions: m3u, mpd, youtube, mobile, podcast-itunes>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Disabled extensions: none
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ERROR    [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Extension youtube failed during setup. This might have left t>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: Traceback (most recent call last):
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mopidy/__main__.py", line 129, in main
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     extension.setup(registry)
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/__init__.py", line 39, in setup
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from .backend import YouTubeBackend, YouTubeCoreListener
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/backend.py", line 10, in <module>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from mopidy_youtube.apis import youtube_api, youtube_japi, youtube_music
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/apis/youtube_music.py", line 7, in <>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from ytmusicapi import YTMusic
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ytmusicapi'
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio
lines 1-23...skipping...
May 24 21:19:38 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:19:38 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Starting Mopidy 3.3.0
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.config Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Enabled extensions: m3u, mpd, youtube, mobile, podcast-itunes, mopify, http, stream, podcast, iris, file, soft>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Disabled extensions: none
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ERROR    [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Extension youtube failed during setup. This might have left the registry in a bad state.
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: Traceback (most recent call last):
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mopidy/__main__.py", line 129, in main
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     extension.setup(registry)
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/__init__.py", line 39, in setup
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from .backend import YouTubeBackend, YouTubeCoreListener
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/backend.py", line 10, in <module>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from mopidy_youtube.apis import youtube_api, youtube_japi, youtube_music
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/apis/youtube_music.py", line 7, in <module>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from ytmusicapi import YTMusic
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ytmusicapi'
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy backends: iTunesPodcastBackend, PodcastBackend, FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.internal.path Creating dir file:///etc/mopidy/podcast
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot access Mopidy-Podcast config directory: Permission denied
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy core
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ERROR    [PodcastBackend-4 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot retrieve Podcast root directory
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [Audio-2 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.audio.actor Audio output set to "audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconve>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: IrisFrontend, QueueManagerFrontend, MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.63.0
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at [::]:6600
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [HttpFrontend-13 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands GLib mainloop got SIGTERM. Exiting...
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy frontends
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Stopping Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Stopping Iris
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy core
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy backends
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy audio
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy mixer
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: mopidy.service: Deactivated successfully.
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Stopped Mopidy music server.
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
lines 1-46
May 24 21:19:38 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:19:38 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Starting Mopidy 3.3.0
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.config Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Enabled extensions: m3u, mpd, youtube, mobile, podcast-itunes, mopify, http, stream, podcast, iris, file, softwaremi
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Disabled extensions: none
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ERROR    [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Extension youtube failed during setup. This might have left the registry in a bad state.
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: Traceback (most recent call last):
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mopidy/__main__.py", line 129, in main
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     extension.setup(registry)
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/__init__.py", line 39, in setup
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from .backend import YouTubeBackend, YouTubeCoreListener
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/backend.py", line 10, in <module>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from mopidy_youtube.apis import youtube_api, youtube_japi, youtube_music
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/apis/youtube_music.py", line 7, in <module>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from ytmusicapi import YTMusic
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ytmusicapi'
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy backends: iTunesPodcastBackend, PodcastBackend, FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.internal.path Creating dir file:///etc/mopidy/podcast
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot access Mopidy-Podcast config directory: Permission denied
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy core
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ERROR    [PodcastBackend-4 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot retrieve Podcast root directory
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [Audio-2 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.audio.actor Audio output set to "audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! w
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: IrisFrontend, QueueManagerFrontend, MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.63.0
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at [::]:6600
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [HttpFrontend-13 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands GLib mainloop got SIGTERM. Exiting...
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy frontends
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Stopping Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Stopping Iris
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy core
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy backends
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy audio
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy mixer
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: mopidy.service: Deactivated successfully.
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Stopped Mopidy music server.
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
lines 1-46
May 24 21:19:38 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:19:38 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Starting Mopidy 3.3.0
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy.config Ignoring config section 'tidal' because no matching extension was found
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Enabled extensions: m3u, mpd, youtube, mobile, podcast-itunes, mopify, http, stream, podcast, iris, file, softwarem>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Disabled extensions: none
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ERROR    [MainThread] mopidy.__main__ Extension youtube failed during setup. This might have left the registry in a bad state.
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: Traceback (most recent call last):
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mopidy/__main__.py", line 129, in main
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     extension.setup(registry)
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/__init__.py", line 39, in setup
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from .backend import YouTubeBackend, YouTubeCoreListener
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/backend.py", line 10, in <module>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from mopidy_youtube.apis import youtube_api, youtube_japi, youtube_music
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mopidy_youtube/apis/youtube_music.py", line 7, in <module>
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]:     from ytmusicapi import YTMusic
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ytmusicapi'
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy backends: iTunesPodcastBackend, PodcastBackend, FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.internal.path Creating dir file:///etc/mopidy/podcast
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot access Mopidy-Podcast config directory: Permission denied
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy core
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: ERROR    [PodcastBackend-4 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_podcast.library Cannot retrieve Podcast root directory
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [Audio-2 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.audio.actor Audio output set to "audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! >
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: IrisFrontend, QueueManagerFrontend, MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.63.0
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at [::]:6600
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [HttpFrontend-13 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
May 24 21:19:39 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands GLib mainloop got SIGTERM. Exiting...
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy frontends
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Stopping Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [IrisFrontend-9 (_actor_loop)] mopidy_iris.core Stopping Iris
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy core
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy backends
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy audio
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 mopidy[1749]: INFO     [MainThread] mopidy.commands Stopping Mopidy mixer
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: mopidy.service: Deactivated successfully.
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Stopped Mopidy music server.
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server...
May 24 21:25:53 kelly-GB-BSi5-6200 systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
fmarzocca commented 2 years ago

You have a syntax error in sudoers file. Could you pls post here the content of /etc/sudoers?

theghostronaut commented 2 years ago

I'm having the exact same issue as @Marshalldog, no link is showing up in the logs. I followed the install instructions as described and Tidal looks like it was installed correctly. Here is my log:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ journalctl -u mopidy -b -- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 11:11:59 CET, end at Sat 2022-06-04 22:06:25 CEST. -- Jun 04 22:04:54 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server... Jun 04 22:04:55 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server. Jun 04 22:05:07 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Starting Mopidy 3.2.0 Jun 04 22:05:07 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults Jun 04 22:05:07 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy-local.conf Jun 04 22:05:07 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf Jun 04 22:05:07 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf Jun 04 22:05:07 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options Jun 04 22:05:07 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: ERROR [MainThread] mopidy.internal.log Loading logging config '/etc/mopidy/logging.conf' failed. 'formatters' Jun 04 22:05:08 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Enabled extensions: spotify, m3u, iris, stream, softwaremixer, file, local, http, mpd Jun 04 22:05:08 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Disabled extensions: none Jun 04 22:05:09 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer Jun 04 22:05:09 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Mixer volume set to 30 Jun 04 22:05:09 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio Jun 04 22:05:09 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy backends: FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend, SpotifyBackend, LocalBackend Jun 04 22:05:09 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [Audio-2] mopidy.audio.actor Audio output set to "alsasink" Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: ERROR [SpotifyEventLoop] spotify.session Spotify login error: <ErrorType.USER_NEEDS_PREMIUM: 15> Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.web Logged into Spotify Web API as gpolaroid Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy core Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: HttpFrontend, IrisFrontend, MpdFrontend Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [HttpFrontend-12] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at []:6680 Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [IrisFrontend-13] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.54.2 Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at []:6600 Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-15] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48356 Jun 04 22:05:10 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-16] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48358 Jun 04 22:05:11 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-17] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48360 Jun 04 22:05:11 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-18] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48362 Jun 04 22:05:11 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-19] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48364 Jun 04 22:05:11 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-20] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48366 Jun 04 22:05:11 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-21] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48368 Jun 04 22:05:11 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-22] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48370 Jun 04 22:05:11 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-23] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48372 Jun 04 22:05:16 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-24] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48374 Jun 04 22:05:43 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-25] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48376 Jun 04 22:05:48 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-26] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48378 Jun 04 22:05:53 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-27] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48380 Jun 04 22:05:58 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-28] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48382 Jun 04 22:06:03 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-29] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48384 Jun 04 22:06:08 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-30] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48386 Jun 04 22:06:13 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-31] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48388 Jun 04 22:06:19 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-32] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48390 Jun 04 22:06:25 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MpdSession-33] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:48392

And checking if everything is installed:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ find -iname mopidy* ./RPi-Jukebox-RFID/misc/sampleconfigs/mopidy-etc.sample ./RPi-Jukebox-RFID/misc/sampleconfigs/mopidy.sample ./.config/mopidy ./.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf ./BACKUP/misc/sampleconfigs/mopidy-etc.sample ./BACKUP/misc/sampleconfigs/mopidy.sample ./.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mopidy ./.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mopidy/http/data/mopidy.css ./.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mopidy_tidal ./.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Mopidy_Tidal-0.2.7.dist-info ./.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Mopidy-3.3.0.dist-info ./.local/bin/mopidy

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pip3 show mopidy Mopidy-Tidal tidalapi Name: Mopidy Version: 3.3.0 Summary: Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python Home-page: https://mopidy.com/ Author: Stein Magnus Jodal Author-email: stein.magnus@jodal.no License: Apache License, Version 2.0 Location: /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages Requires: requests, tornado, setuptools, Pykka Required-by: Mopidy-Tidal, Mopidy-Iris

Name: Mopidy-Tidal Version: 0.2.7 Summary: Tidal music service integration Home-page: https://github.com/tehkillerbee/mopidy-tidal Author: Johannes Linde Author-email: josaksel.dk@gmail.com License: Apache License, Version 2.0 Location: /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages Requires: requests, tidalapi, Mopidy, Pykka, setuptools Required-by:

Name: tidalapi Version: 0.6.10 Summary: Unofficial API for TIDAL music streaming service. Home-page: https://github.com/tamland/python-tidal Author: Thomas Amland Author-email: thomas.amland@googlemail.com License: LGPL Location: /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages Requires: requests Required-by: Mopidy-Tidal

tehkillerbee commented 2 years ago

@theghostronaut Judging from your log, it does not appear that mopidy_tidal is detected at all and strangely enough, there are no errors listed.

Jun 04 22:05:08 raspberrypi mopidy[471]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Enabled extensions: spotify, m3u, iris, stream, softwaremixer, file, local, http, mpd

Can you walk us through how you installed mopidy and mopidy_tidal? How are you launching it?

It looks like you've installed it in your "user site" and, if you launch mopidy as root service, these installed packages will not be found.

Try installing globally:

sudo python3 -m pip install Mopidy-Tidal
theghostronaut commented 2 years ago

@tehkillerbee Thank you Johannes, that seems to have worked: I got the link in the logs now and connected my Tidal. However, when clicking on Spotify on the Phoniebox web interface, Tidal doesn't show up anywhere, everything still looks exactly the same as before, when I used Spotify. Is there anything else I'm missing? Tidal is setup as described in my mopidy.conf. Here is my new log for reference. One thing I noticed, it says "LOSSLESS" in the log, but I set Tidal to HIGH in the config‽

Edit Ah, nevermind: I forgot to change the config in the correct place. This is kind of confusing, I guess I messed up some stuff on my inital setup, having Mopidy all over the place ;-) I had to go to /etc/mopidy from my user directory and modify the mopidy.conf there, instead of how I did it previously from root. Confusing to me, since Mopidy is running as a root service, but now it works!

-- Logs begin at Sun 2022-06-05 09:26:14 CEST, end at Sun 2022-06-05 10:01:59 CEST. -- Jun 05 09:26:19 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server... Jun 05 09:26:19 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server. Jun 05 09:26:30 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Starting Mopidy 3.3.0 Jun 05 09:26:30 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults Jun 05 09:26:30 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy-local.conf Jun 05 09:26:30 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf Jun 05 09:26:30 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf Jun 05 09:26:30 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options Jun 05 09:26:30 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: ERROR [MainThread] mopidy.internal.log Loading logging config '/etc/mopidy/logging.conf' failed. 'formatters' Jun 05 09:26:33 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Enabled extensions: softwaremixer, iris, file, local, m3u, mpd, stream, tidal, spotify, http Jun 05 09:26:33 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Disabled extensions: none Jun 05 09:26:34 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer Jun 05 09:26:34 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Mixer volume set to 30 Jun 05 09:26:34 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio Jun 05 09:26:34 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy backends: FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend, SpotifyBackend, LocalBackend, TidalBackend Jun 05 09:26:34 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [TidalBackend-8] mopidy_tidal.backend Connecting to TIDAL.. Quality = LOSSLESS Jun 05 09:26:34 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [TidalBackend-8] mopidy_tidal.backend Connecting to TIDAL.. using default client id & client secret from python-tidal Jun 05 09:26:34 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [Audio-2] mopidy.audio.actor Audio output set to "alsasink" Jun 05 09:26:34 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [TidalBackend-8] mopidy_tidal.backend Loading OAuth session from /var/lib/mopidy/tidal/tidal-oauth.json... Jun 05 09:26:35 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: ERROR [SpotifyEventLoop] spotify.session Spotify login error: <ErrorType.USER_NEEDS_PREMIUM: 15> Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.web Logged into Spotify Web API as gpolaroid Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [TidalBackend-8] mopidy_tidal.backend TIDAL Login OK Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy core Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: HttpFrontend, MpdFrontend, IrisFrontend Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [HttpFrontend-13] mopidy.http.actor HTTP server running at []:6680 Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy_mpd.actor MPD server running at []:6600 Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [IrisFrontend-15] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.54.2 Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MpdSession-16] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:47648 Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MpdSession-17] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:47650 Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MpdSession-18] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:47652 Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MpdSession-19] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:47654 Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MpdSession-20] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:47656 Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MpdSession-21] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:47658 Jun 05 09:26:36 raspberrypi mopidy[485]: INFO [MpdSession-22] mopidy_mpd.session New MPD connection from []:47660