tehp / OpenPoGoUI

A web view for OpenPoGoBot
MIT License
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Current version does not find app.css on startup #18

Closed OhJayGee closed 7 years ago

OhJayGee commented 7 years ago

Error: Browser does not find app.css on startup Fix: server.js line6: change from: app.use(express.static(dirname + "/src")); to: app.use(express.static(dirname + "/build"));

niicojs commented 7 years ago

If you're a user, just go to http://openpogoui.nicontoso.eu. If you're a développer you can either run gulp dev-styles to generate CSS file or type gulp watch to automatically generate CSS file when you modify scss.

OhJayGee commented 7 years ago

didn't know about gulp dev-styles, nice thanks. I normally just run 'npm install' and 'gulp' on a new pull.

niicojs commented 7 years ago

Faire enough I'll add the case generation to default task

niicojs commented 7 years ago

CSS génération