tehp / OpenPoGoUI

A web view for OpenPoGoBot
MIT License
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Contributing? #9

Closed lifeiscontent closed 7 years ago

lifeiscontent commented 7 years ago

I was thinking of working on some possible new features of this UI. Which branch should I work out of? It looks like gh-pages, master and the original fork all have recent changes.

niicojs commented 7 years ago

yes, it's not very good at the moment. in theory, I would say contribute on master through PR and we'll push to gh-pages later (=production).

the reality is I'm the only one working on it now and I'm working through https://github.com/nicoschmitt/openui because it's easier to test.

Would you mind contribute there for now until I figure this out?

lifeiscontent commented 7 years ago

@nicoschmitt you got it 👍

lifeiscontent commented 7 years ago

@nicoschmitt I'm about to open 2 PRs

niicojs commented 7 years ago

Bring it on!

lifeiscontent commented 7 years ago

@nicoschmitt would you consider the following?

  1. Working strictly in this repo as this is probably the repo that will get the most exposure (e.g. not your initial fork)
  2. Working strictly in the master branch and only using gh-pages for static content?

maybe I'm misunderstanding something or you're using your initial fork for staging purposes but. If yes, I'd consider spending some time writing some code to do the following:

Action Reason
Remove all processed assets from master branch. (css, etc) This will help with merge conflicts
Automate build/deploy process This will help with letting users see the most up-to-date features.
Add development/production flags So that during development we can see all the console.logs when they're helpful
Use polyfill.io To support older browsers

Let me know what you think of these ideas.

niicojs commented 7 years ago

could you come to slack to discuss this?

lifeiscontent commented 7 years ago

@nicoschmitt I think I pinged you.