tehp / OpenPoGoWeb

Web View for OpenPoGoBot
77 stars 58 forks source link

Added Gym Info #149

Open jadbalout opened 7 years ago

jadbalout commented 7 years ago

http://prnt.sc/bzv9lt http://prntscr.com/bzvgbq CSS expert needed to fix circled image please.

BobbyWibowo commented 7 years ago

Honestly, I can't ever view picture in Lightshot. Mind uploading them somewhere else? :confused:

jadbalout commented 7 years ago

@BobbyWibowo nott sure if that will work but try: https://slack-imgs.com/?c=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimage.prntscr.com%2Fimage%2F5db7aea66a8a4507927840ac4548dc5f.png also mind testing it pls:?

BobbyWibowo commented 7 years ago

Honestly, that's nice. I think I'm gonna implement that to my fork (it's a personal build thingy). Thanks! :+1:

jadbalout commented 7 years ago

@BobbyWibowo once you do implement it, tell me if it works, I did a good amount of changes and I'm not sure whether I uploaded them all or not.

BobbyWibowo commented 7 years ago

I actually ended up writing it from scratch since my personal build was based on wchill/refactor branch and I already had a few customization beforehand, but well, here's how I implemented it: https://github.com/BobbyWibowo/OpenPoGoWeb/commit/4f9fe1937973900b7d29de1528f293f59c30361c#commitcomment-18464499. Feel free to salvage the styling if you want.

MaxLeiter commented 7 years ago

I think the circular image can wait for another PR, thanks!


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