tehp / OpenPoGoWeb

Web View for OpenPoGoBot
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Can't get map to work? #175

Open flopk opened 7 years ago

flopk commented 7 years ago

I'm managing to keep up with some of the coding here but I am very new to all this. I'm using PokemonGoBot Dev branch. I get this error when trying to run the server - - [03/Aug/2016 11:24:02] code 404, message File not found - - [03/Aug/2016 11:24:02] "GET /location-wrongname.json?v=1470219842724 H TTP/1.1" 404 - The .json files it is looking for are my screen name despite the userdata.js file having my correct login. I have changed this to the correct username (google) but it still reverts to that.

Also where it says in the instructions to navigate:

$ cd OpenPoGoBot\web
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

I don't have a \web folder here. Am I meant to run this from the web folder in PokemonGoBot? (I have tried this and still get same error message) Gaaaaaaa What am I missing?

powerpatch commented 7 years ago

I've tried following the instructions from start to finish about 50 times now and I can't get this to work no matter what I do. I've managed to get a large number of bots going and even configured so they show in the logs (with log patch).

But nothing is making them show up or any of the nifty features I'm reading about. map


wchill commented 7 years ago

This repo will be replaced with a fresh rewrite as it's unmaintainable in its current state. (Just look how messy main.js is.)