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Eliminate need for userdata.json #70

Open MaxLeiter opened 8 years ago

MaxLeiter commented 8 years ago

It'd be great to fetch the usernames/api key/etc from the bots instead of requiring the user to modify a config file

Saturate commented 8 years ago

Should be easy with the new Web Sockets. However the JavaScript could need to better structuring, are there any thoughts on Frameworks for the DOM elements and stuff like that? I'm thinking ReactJS would be pretty nice for drawing the interface, but there are other options.

Dekryptid commented 8 years ago

@Saturate I second the notion to use ReactJS

meyer9 commented 8 years ago

The issue isn't if we should implement it; the issue is who is going to implement it.

MaxLeiter commented 8 years ago

We need the issue for visibility, @jmeyer2k. I'm not necessarily for or against react/a different framework, but remember that limits a lot of contributions. I'd be fine with just modularizing the code into multiple files, or at least adapting a more readable style.

wchill commented 8 years ago

I'm currently working on modularizing the code, though it's extremely messy atm and might take a lot of time.

Saturate commented 8 years ago

In not thinking ReactJS just because it's want I want to work with, I think the redraw nature and Virtual DOM would be quite handy for us, and the kind of data we are working with,

Another option could be MithrilJS, but quite frankly the documentation is not that good and almost no body knows it.

I could put some time into this, but it would be best if we agreed on a framework that most of us know.