tejado / pgoapi

Pokemon Go API lib
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[Request] First login settings #135

Open bolds07 opened 8 years ago

bolds07 commented 8 years ago

Are there any way to deal with the first login settings programatically? I mean, select skin color, clothes, name, and check that first agreement

If I create a new account, the bot doesn't see any pokestop or catchable pokemon until I go manually throught this first settings

Probably this is not on the roadmap of the API if someone can give me a tip about how to decript the packages and figure by myself the protocol I would be very glad

tejado commented 8 years ago

Should be possible over the set_* functions, e.g. https://github.com/tejado/pgoapi/wiki/set_avatar You can provide the details over a dictionary, e.g.

api.set_avatar( player_avatar = { skin: "<your_input>", ...} )


tejado commented 8 years ago

Would be nice if you can provide a more advanced example to this if you have figured it out completly :)