tejado / pgoapi

Pokemon Go API lib
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Correct use of set_position? #139

Closed m3at closed 8 years ago

m3at commented 8 years ago

I'm sure it is obvious but I couldn't find why it doesn't appear to be working (I searched the wiki and issues)...

What is the correct way to use api.set_position? (api.get_inventory() works fine)

I tried:

api = pgoapi.PGoApi()
api.login(username="john.doe@gmail.com", password="1234", provider="google")

# set a position
position = (35.682975, 139.762738, 2.0)

tejado commented 8 years ago

Looks good. You can also do it then like this:

api.set_position(35.682975, 139.762738, 2.0)

What do you mean with "doesn't appear to be working"? Try the --debug parameter for pokecli.py if it doesn't work for you and check the request/response in detail.

m3at commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your confirmation!

You're right I forgot to provide context sorry... I want to do a random walk, for that I did this simple recursion:

import sched, time
api = pgoapi.PGoApi()

# simple class with lat/lon/elevation
mov = mover(35.682975, 139.762738, 2.0)

def update_pos(sc):

    # move a little
    # get new position
    _pos = mov.get_pos()

    status = api.call() # status = []

    # loop

def _cron(s):
    if time.time() - t_zero < 60:
        # add a random delay about a second later
        s.enter(np.random.randn()/1+1, 1, update_pos, argument=(s,))

s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
t_zero = time.time()

I confirm that the generated positions are correct after plotting on a map.

I said doesn't appear to be working because after a few minutes and a kilometer walked my hatched eggs are still displayed with the same distance.

--debug parameter of pokecli.py display nothing abnormal. However when I run the example spiral_poi_search.py I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "spiral_poi_search.py", line 231, in <module>
  File "spiral_poi_search.py", line 162, in main
    find_poi(api, position[0], position[1])
  File "spiral_poi_search.py", line 186, in find_poi
    pokekey = get_key_from_pokemon(pokemon)
  File "spiral_poi_search.py", line 198, in get_key_from_pokemon
    return '{}-{}'.format(pokemon['spawnpoint_id'], pokemon['pokemon_data']['pokemon_id'])
KeyError: 'spawnpoint_id'

Any idea?

tejado commented 8 years ago

At first, get the latest example. Just merged a pull request with the new argument naming in spiral_poi_search.py (name of spawnpoint_id changed).

In regards to the hatched eggs... I didnt try that myself so... But I read something, that you have to walk better a straight line and no circles or something due to the measurement of the distance server side.

m3at commented 8 years ago

Indeed I pulled and spiral_poi_search.py is fine now, nice.

Ok thanks for the answer and tips! 👍 I will try that tonight and hopefully close the issue