tejado / pgoapi

Pokemon Go API lib
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KeyError: 'GET_MAP_OBJECTS' in spiral search after todays API update #176

Open larsschwarz opened 8 years ago

larsschwarz commented 8 years ago

Seems like Niantic changed the MAP_OBJECTS response today ...

genIterator commented 8 years ago

They updated a lot on the server side, if you look on the pokemongodev reddit. It's probably gonna take some days until the new protos are found out. Meanwhile I am not doing any scans, so my accounts or IP does not get banned... Here is the Protobuf issue discussion: https://github.com/AeonLucid/POGOProtos/issues/131

Trolldemorted commented 8 years ago

it is not exactly a matter of the proto, but rather a bug in the pgoapi which does not send the appropriate unknown6 value to its requests.

pokemondev was pretty close to understanding the signature when they closed their discord channel, so i suppose it will not take that long until someone explains how to construct unknown6.

tejado commented 8 years ago

It is not really a bug but rather a part of the API that was never investigated as it worked before without it.

Trolldemorted commented 8 years ago

bug or missing feature, it still has to be done - please dont pull a Mila432 on us :)

do you have access to pokemondev's discord channel?

Vigerus commented 8 years ago

@tejado are you going to update api soon? :)

beeradmoore commented 8 years ago

Project is open source @Vigerus , you can update the API.

larsschwarz commented 8 years ago

Kinda strange: fort_details still works, get_gym_details doesn't ...

dnsBlah commented 8 years ago

is there a clear fix yet? is it actually the u6? its just a timestamp as far as i could understand between the bs posts

larsschwarz commented 8 years ago

Don't know, I still love to hear a quick conclusion of the change. Still wondering why they only "signed" a few requests (map object, gyms), but not others (download settings, fort details...).

dnsBlah commented 8 years ago

what you mean with signed? including u6?

larsschwarz commented 8 years ago

I don't know what u6 is used for (haven't followed all those mad discussions). Signed might be the wrong term, don't know if it's just a timestamp diff or a call that has to be done before any other calls and that validates a signature or whatever. Sorry for misusing this issue btw ... don't wanted to start another u6 discussion.

larsschwarz commented 8 years ago

A technical explanation: https://github.com/pkmngodev/Unknown6/issues/65

tienthanhdhcn commented 8 years ago

Hi , could you please let me know when the pgoapi will be updated?

tejado commented 8 years ago


official pgoapi repo will be updated tomorrow.

tienthanhdhcn commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much @tejado. However, when I use the current pgoapi, I got the map-cell of {'s2_cell_id': 5221642796544294912L, 'current_timestamp_ms': 1470530776035L} NOT the object? What should I do with this?

jomarocas commented 8 years ago

i see this no exist and teh repo no exist only the user https://github.com/pkmngodev/Unknown6/issues/65

blackhattristar commented 8 years ago

Mine is not working either. It keeps spitting this out in the terminal:

2016-08-06 20:15:08,077 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Adding 'GET_MAP_OBJECTS' to RPC request including arguments Traceback (most recent call last): File "pokecli.py", line 133, in <module> main() File "pokecli.py", line 128, in main response_dict = api.get_map_objects(latitude =position[0], longitude = position[1], since_timestamp_ms = timestamps, cell_id = cell_ids) File "/Users//Downloads/pgoapi-master/pgoapi/pgoapi.py", line 121, in function return request.call() File "/Users//Downloads/pgoapi-master/pgoapi/pgoapi.py", line 209, in call request.activate_signature(lib_path) File "/Users//Downloads/pgoapi-master/pgoapi/rpc_api.py", line 82, in activate_signature ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_path) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/ctypes/__init__.py", line 440, in LoadLibrary return self._dlltype(name) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/ctypes/__init__.py", line 362, in __init__ self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode) OSError: dlopen(encrypt.dll, 6): image not found

Is this the same error as the one stated in this issue?

jangeja commented 8 years ago

So I am only getting objects with 'current_timestamp_ms': 1470569750623, 's2_cell_id': 9290065149094264832

I cant see any forts or pokemon. Am I doing something wrong?

rtw commented 8 years ago

@jmangeja1 thats where i'm at too. any ideas?

jangeja commented 8 years ago

So I never tried this API before they fixed it yesterday so I don't know what the responses looked like without sending the unknown6. But I'm guessing I didn't install the python package correctly and Im not sending out unknown6 with my requests. Strange

dnsBlah commented 8 years ago

@jmangeja1 @rtw same here Lets see what the update tomorrow brings as tejado already mentioned

elliottcarlson commented 8 years ago

@blackhattristar that is a different issue - please refer to #197

For other issues; make sure you are using the proper updates that have not been merged in to this repo yet. Make sure you have the right dll/so for your systems architecture. Make sure you are updating your code if not just using pokecli.py to make the appropriate calls for the signature. And finally, there is now a need to accept the TOS and mark the tutorial as complete for all accounts before they can make full calls.

chenditc commented 8 years ago

@elliottcarlson I tested with get_map_object call, it can be complete without accept the TOS. What do you mean by "full calls"?

elliottcarlson commented 8 years ago

@chenditc it won't apply to everyone - depends on if they had accepted and completed the tutorial on a real device prior or not. Make sure you have a get_player() call before get_map_object() as well.