tejado / pgoapi

Pokemon Go API lib
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Status code: 3 #221

Closed hypixus closed 7 years ago

hypixus commented 7 years ago


For about two days I'm using this project python 3 interpretation by @keyphact as part of my python pokemon go inventory application, and for about 2 hours I get followingresponse when calling getInventory(): { 'request_id': xxx, 'status_code': 3, 'unknown6': [{ 'unknown2': { 'unknown1': 1 }, 'response_type': 6 }], 'responses': { 'GET_INVENTORY': {} }, 'auth_ticket': { 'end': xxx, 'expire_timestamp_ms': xxx, 'start': xxx } } The intresting thing is, the status code changed from 1 to 3, and response is empty, not even sth like "success" = "no" Can someone explain me what it means? And most important, is it a signal i got banned or something?

net8q commented 7 years ago

it is probably a permaban

dnsBlah commented 7 years ago

I you do get reply on GET_PLAYER yes your permabannes

Kaankehh commented 7 years ago

The Status Code 3 means indeed a permaban.

dnsBlah commented 7 years ago

just to be clear status_code: 3

is not simply: ban

most common is a invalid request however, it's also when you have a ban.

It's not directly a ban, its a ban on that 'request' i.e. pokemons ban, pokestops ban (on thousands of requests within X hours)

Or in my case its on inventory,stats etc cus of the actual permanent ban. Just like hypixus

dnsBlah commented 7 years ago

I even believe they just delete your inventory... As I can login, and get_player without problems...

Dracon23 commented 7 years ago

If you get banned, all your requests are invalid, but if you get invalid requests, you're not banned per se... (I've been fighting with an issue that I could NOT quite wrap my head around today for a while... causing my code to get responses with status 3... while everything else worked fine <.<)

dnsBlah commented 7 years ago

there are partial bans as wells.That only occur on getmapobjects,catchpokemon,searchfort as far as I know now.

But.. you will find out few hours after or the next day that the whole account got banned :)

Dracon23 commented 7 years ago

@dnsBlah: I figured out later on that I was sending an empty cell list, which would be invalid per se ;P

hypixus commented 7 years ago

@dns_blah +rep explaining the problem I get a full response on get_player, so it's dead end? Also, I've made new account, but it can't do get_map_objects, response is almost the same as here... Has not approving my account email something to it? I mean, it has a few hours, but still...

hypixus commented 7 years ago

@dnsBlah update: On old account response don't even contain auth ticket, so I guess i can say gg to it. On new get_map_objects still empty response.

dnsBlah commented 7 years ago

There seem to be different 'hard bans' indeed. Some of my botted accounts cant login at all, some only get response on get_player some even find a fort (no pokemons) but get status_code 3 on set position etc...

Im going to start from scrath any day now. just finishing up complete randomness in ALL calls Will first play a bit on mobile login on other login with bot login again on mobile untill i have to verify email

maybe that will be something as well ;)