tejado / pgoapi

Pokemon Go API lib
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How to avoid getting banned using the API? #225

Open nequito opened 7 years ago

nequito commented 7 years ago

Recently multiple accounts were permanently banned, But the exact reason of how they knew we cheated is unknown, i have a couple of speculations:

These are only speculations i've made of how Niantic knows that we are cheating, but it would be a good idea to colaborate in order to know the specific reason of why we are getting banned.

hypixus commented 7 years ago

Well, in my case I guess it was experimenting with API, ie. using function get_level_rewards more than once per level.

hypixus commented 7 years ago

Anyways, I'm NOT using API for any kind of cheats, it is just a part of my pokemon inventory manager project. Just to be clear.

Vigerus commented 7 years ago

Anyways, I'm NOT using API for any kind of cheats, it is just a part of my pokemon inventory manager project. Just to be clear.

Any attempt of reading/modifying Pokemon GO content outside of original app is considered cheating. Just to be clear.

My major reason of using pgoapi was:

But as my account was suspended for doing so, and, as you said: "testing API", i no longer have an urge to play this game. The game actually starts at level 30, where you can finally look for end game pokemons. The fight and catching mechanics are childlish when we compare it to classic version, gyms mechanics was probably forcefully added to have some kind of pvp, which is reduced to smashing your finger at the screen, and the rewards, well, nothing except bigger backpack is worth anything.

The idea for a game was awesome, but the outcome is not.

Farewell Pokemon GO.

hypixus commented 7 years ago

@Vigerus Woah, that's kinda... sad but truth. I am huge fan of old-style Pokemons from Gen 1-3, and even this evening I was playing Ruby version in emulator. THESE were real bettles in gyms, 1v1 versus some guy with higher level pokemon than we had usually... Also, then, we could trade and fight with friends, and now? Some children making posts on facebook like: TEAM BLU IS TEH BESSSSSTSTSTTT!!!1!!!!!1!11111 I agree here, BUT idea of connecting pokemon with real world is a brilliant shit. Bad thing is, the main creators of this game totally went off the path of the pokemons from consoles...