tejado / pgoapi

Pokemon Go API lib
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.proto file for Protobuf #3

Closed Techbrunch closed 8 years ago

Techbrunch commented 8 years ago

This might help:

Module: mscorlib.dll
Module: System.dll
Module: Mono.Security.dll
Module: Mono.Data.Tds.dll
Module: System.Core.dll
Module: Google.Protobuf.dll
 message MessageAdapter {
 message FileDescriptorSet {
 message FileDescriptorProto {
 message DescriptorProto {
 message ExtensionRange {
 message ReservedRange {
 message FieldDescriptorProto {
 message OneofDescriptorProto {
 message EnumDescriptorProto {
 message EnumValueDescriptorProto {
 message ServiceDescriptorProto {
 message MethodDescriptorProto {
 message FileOptions {
 message MessageOptions {
 message FieldOptions {
 message EnumOptions {
 message EnumValueOptions {
 message ServiceOptions {
 message MethodOptions {
 message UninterpretedOption {
 message NamePart {
 message SourceCodeInfo {
 message Location {
 message Any {
 message Duration {
 message FieldMask {
 message Struct {
 message Value {
 message ListValue {
 message Timestamp {
Module: Niantic.Promenade.dll
 message GoogleAuthEventParams {
 message ChannelAuthEventParams {
 message LocationUpdateEventParams {
 message RpcResponseEventParams {
Module: Niantic.Promenade.Auth.dll
 message GoogleToken {
Module: OSCsharp.dll
Module: System.Transactions.dll
Module: System.Xml.dll
Module: System.Data.dll
Module: Newtonsoft.Json.dll
Module: TUIOsharp.dll
Module: UnityEngine.dll
Module: UnityEngine.UI.dll
Module: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
Module: Assembly-CSharp.dll
 message AssetDigestRequestProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Platform Platform = 1;
    string DeviceManufacturer = 2;
    string DeviceModel = 3;
    string Locale = 4;
    uint32 AppVersion = 5;
 message AssetDigestEntryProto {
    string AssetId = 1;
    string BundleName = 2;
    int64 Version = 3;
    uint32 Checksum = 4;
    int32 Size = 5;
    Google.Protobuf.ByteString Key = 6;
 message AssetDigestOutProto {
    //unknown Digest = 1;
    uint64 Timestamp = 2;
 message DownloadUrlRequestProto {
    //unknown AssetId = 1;
 message DownloadUrlEntryProto {
    string AssetId = 1;
    string Url = 2;
    int32 Size = 3;
    uint32 Checksum = 4;
 message DownloadUrlOutProto {
    //unknown DownloadUrls = 1;
 message CollectDailyBonusProto {
 message CollectDailyBonusOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.CollectDailyBonusOutProto.Result Result = 1;
 message CollectDailyDefenderBonusProto {
 message CollectDailyDefenderBonusOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.CollectDailyDefenderBonusOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    //unknown CurrencyType = 2;
    //unknown CurrencyAwarded = 3;
    int32 NumDefenders = 4;
 message EchoProto {
 message EchoOutProto {
    string Context = 1;
 message GetHatchedEggsProto {
 message GetHatchedEggsOutProto {
    bool Success = 1;
    //unknown PokemonId = 2;
    //unknown ExpAwarded = 3;
    //unknown CandyAwarded = 4;
    //unknown StardustAwarded = 5;
 message EncounterProto {
    uint64 EncounterId = 1;
    string SpawnpointId = 2;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 3;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 4;
 message EncounterOutProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.WildPokemonProto Pokemon = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Background.Types.EncounterOutProto.Background Background = 2;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Status.Types.EncounterOutProto.Status Status = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.CaptureProbabilityProto CaptureProbability = 4;
 message CatchPokemonProto {
    uint64 EncounterId = 1;
    int32 Pokeball = 2;
    double NormalizedReticleSize = 3;
    string SpawnPointGuid = 4;
    bool HitPokemon = 5;
    double SpinModifier = 6;
    double NormalizedHitPosition = 7;
 message CatchPokemonOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Status.Types.CatchPokemonOutProto.Status Status = 1;
    double MissPercent = 2;
    uint64 CapturedPokemonId = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.CaptureScoreProto Scores = 4;
 message UseItemCaptureProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
    uint64 EncounterId = 2;
    string SpawnPointGuid = 3;
 message UseItemCaptureOutProto {
    bool Success = 1;
    double ItemCaptureMult = 2;
    double ItemFleeMult = 3;
    bool StopMovement = 4;
    bool StopAttack = 5;
    bool TargetMax = 6;
    bool TargetSlow = 7;
 message EncounterTutorialCompleteProto {
    int32 PokedexId = 1;
 message EncounterTutorialCompleteOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.EncounterTutorialCompleteOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto Pokemon = 2;
    Holoholo.Rpc.CaptureScoreProto Scores = 3;
 message CaptureProbabilityProto {
    //unknown PokeballType = 1;
    //unknown CaptureProbability = 2;
    double ReticleDifficultyScale = 12;
 message CaptureScoreProto {
    //unknown ActivityType = 1;
    //unknown Exp = 2;
    //unknown Candy = 3;
    //unknown Stardust = 4;
 message UseIncenseActionProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item IncenseType = 1;
 message UseIncenseActionOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.UseIncenseActionOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.AppliedItemProto AppliedIncense = 2;
 message GetIncensePokemonProto {
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 1;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 2;
 message GetIncensePokemonOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.GetIncensePokemonOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    int32 PokemonTypeId = 2;
    double Lat = 3;
    double Lng = 4;
    string EncounterLocation = 5;
    uint64 EncounterId = 6;
    int64 DisappearTimeMs = 7;
 message IncenseEncounterProto {
    int64 EncounterId = 1;
    string EncounterLocation = 2;
 message IncenseEncounterOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.IncenseEncounterOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto Pokemon = 2;
    Holoholo.Rpc.CaptureProbabilityProto CaptureProbability = 3;
 message DiskEncounterProto {
    int64 EncounterId = 1;
    string FortId = 2;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 3;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 4;
 message DiskEncounterOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.DiskEncounterOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto Pokemon = 2;
    Holoholo.Rpc.CaptureProbabilityProto CaptureProbability = 3;
 message EvolvePokemonProto {
    uint64 PokemonId = 1;
 message EvolvePokemonOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.EvolvePokemonOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto EvolvedPokemon = 2;
    int32 ExpAwarded = 3;
    int32 CandyAwarded = 4;
 message AwardItemProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
    int32 ItemCount = 2;
 message FortSearchProto {
    string Id = 1;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 2;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 3;
    double FortLatDegrees = 4;
    double FortLngDegrees = 5;
 message FortSearchOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.FortSearchOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    //unknown Items = 2;
    int32 GemsAwarded = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto EggPokemon = 4;
    int32 XpAwarded = 5;
    int64 CooldownComplete = 6;
    int32 ChainHackSequenceNumber = 7;
 message FortDetailsProto {
    string Id = 1;
    double Latitude = 2;
    double Longitude = 3;
 message FortDetailsOutProto {
    string Id = 1;
    int32 Team = 2;
    //unknown Pokemon = 3;
    string Name = 4;
    //unknown ImageUrl = 5;
    int32 Fp = 6;
    int32 Stamina = 7;
    int32 MaxStamina = 8;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.FortType FortType = 9;
    double Latitude = 10;
    double Longitude = 11;
    string Description = 12;
    //unknown Modifier = 13;
 message ClientFortModifierProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item ModifierType = 1;
    int64 ExpirationTimeMs = 2;
    string DeployingPlayerCodename = 3;
 message FortDeployProto {
    string FortId = 1;
    uint64 PokemonId = 2;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 3;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 4;
 message FortDeployOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.FortDeployOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.FortDetailsOutProto FortDetailsOutProto = 2;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto EggPokemon = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.GymStateProto GymStateProto = 4;
 message FortRecallProto {
    string FortId = 1;
    uint64 PokemonId = 2;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 3;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 4;
 message FortRecallOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.FortRecallOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.FortDetailsOutProto FortDetailsOutProto = 2;
 message AddFortModifierProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item ModifierType = 1;
    string FortId = 2;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 3;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 4;
 message AddFortModifierOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.AddFortModifierOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.FortDetailsOutProto FortDetailsOutProto = 2;
 message PokemonCameraAttributesProto {
    float DiskRadiusM = 1;
    float CylRadiusM = 2;
    float CylHeightM = 3;
    float CylGroundM = 4;
    float ShoulderModeScale = 5;
 message PokemonEncounterAttributesProto {
    float BaseCaptureRate = 1;
    float BaseFleeRate = 2;
    float CollisionRadiusM = 3;
    float CollisionHeightM = 4;
    float CollisionHeadRadiusM = 5;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonMovementType MovementType = 6;
    float MovementTimerS = 7;
    float JumpTimeS = 8;
    float AttackTimerS = 9;
 message PokemonStatsAttributesProto {
    int32 BaseStamina = 1;
    int32 BaseAttack = 2;
    int32 BaseDefense = 3;
    int32 DodgeEnergyDelta = 8;
 message PokemonSettingsProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonId UniqueId = 1;
    float ModelScale = 3;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonType Type1 = 4;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonType Type2 = 5;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonCameraAttributesProto Camera = 6;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonEncounterAttributesProto Encounter = 7;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonStatsAttributesProto Stats = 8;
    //unknown QuickMoves = 9;
    //unknown CinematicMoves = 10;
    //unknown AnimTime = 11;
    //unknown Evolution = 12;
    int32 EvolutionPips = 13;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonClass PokemonClass = 14;
    float PokedexHeightM = 15;
    float PokedexWeightKg = 16;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonId ParentId = 17;
    float HeightStdDev = 18;
    float WeightStdDev = 19;
    float KmDistanceToHatch = 20;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonFamilyId FamilyId = 21;
    int32 CandyToEvolve = 22;
 message PokeBallAttributesProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloItemEffect ItemEffect = 1;
    float CaptureMulti = 2;
    float CaptureMultiEffect = 3;
    float ItemEffectMod = 4;
 message PotionAttributesProto {
    float StaPercent = 1;
    int32 StaAmount = 2;
 message ReviveAttributesProto {
    float StaPercent = 1;
 message BattleAttributesProto {
    float StaPercent = 1;
    float AtkPercent = 2;
    float DefPercent = 3;
    float DurationS = 4;
 message FoodAttributesProto {
    //unknown ItemEffect = 1;
    //unknown ItemEffectPercent = 2;
    float GrowthPercent = 3;
 message InventoryUpgradeAttributesProto {
    int32 AdditionalStorage = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.InventoryUpgradeType UpgradeType = 2;
 message ExperienceBoostAttributesProto {
    float XpMultiplier = 1;
    int32 BoostDurationMs = 2;
 message EggIncubatorAttributesProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.EggIncubatorType IncubatorType = 1;
    int32 Uses = 2;
    float DistanceMultiplier = 3;
 message IncenseAttributesProto {
    int32 IncenseLifetimeSeconds = 1;
    //unknown PokemonType = 2;
    float PokemonIncenseTypeProbability = 3;
    int32 StandingTimeBetweenEncountersSec = 4;
    int32 MovingTimeBetweenEncounterSec = 5;
    int32 DistanceRequiredForShorterIntervalMeters = 6;
    int32 PokemonAttractedLengthSec = 7;
 message FortModifierAttributesProto {
    int32 ModifierLifetimeSeconds = 1;
    int32 TroyDiskNumPokemonSpawned = 2;
 message ItemSettingsProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item UniqueId = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloItemType ItemType = 2;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloItemCategory Category = 3;
    float DropFreq = 4;
    int32 DropTrainerLevel = 5;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokeBallAttributesProto Pokeball = 6;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PotionAttributesProto Potion = 7;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ReviveAttributesProto Revive = 8;
    Holoholo.Rpc.BattleAttributesProto Battle = 9;
    Holoholo.Rpc.FoodAttributesProto Food = 10;
    Holoholo.Rpc.InventoryUpgradeAttributesProto InventoryUpgrade = 11;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ExperienceBoostAttributesProto XpBoost = 12;
    Holoholo.Rpc.IncenseAttributesProto Incense = 13;
    Holoholo.Rpc.EggIncubatorAttributesProto EggIncubator = 14;
    Holoholo.Rpc.FortModifierAttributesProto FortModifier = 15;
 message IapItemDisplayProto {
    string Sku = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloIapItemCategory Category = 2;
    int32 SortOrder = 3;
    //unknown Items = 4;
    //unknown Counts = 5;
 message MoveSettingsProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonMove UniqueId = 1;
    int32 AnimationId = 2;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonType Type = 3;
    float Power = 4;
    float AccuracyChance = 5;
    float CriticalChance = 6;
    float HealScalar = 7;
    float StaminaLossScalar = 8;
    int32 TrainerLevelMin = 9;
    int32 TrainerLevelMax = 10;
    string VfxName = 11;
    int32 DurationMs = 12;
    int32 DamageWindowStartMs = 13;
    int32 DamageWindowEndMs = 14;
    int32 EnergyDelta = 15;
 message MoveSequenceSettingsProto {
    //unknown Sequence = 1;
 message TypeEffectiveSettingsProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonType AttackType = 2;
    //unknown AttackScalar = 1;
 message BadgeSettingsProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloBadgeType BadgeType = 1;
    int32 BadgeRanks = 2;
    //unknown Targets = 3;
 message CameraSettingsProto {
    string NextCamera = 1;
    //unknown Interpolation = 2;
    //unknown TargetType = 3;
    //unknown EaseInSpeed = 4;
    //unknown EaseOutSpeed = 5;
    //unknown DurationS = 6;
    //unknown WaitS = 7;
    //unknown TransitionS = 8;
    //unknown AngleDeg = 9;
    //unknown AngleOffsetDeg = 10;
    //unknown PitchDeg = 11;
    //unknown PitchOffsetDeg = 12;
    //unknown RollDeg = 13;
    //unknown DistanceM = 14;
    //unknown HeightPercent = 15;
    //unknown VertCtrRatio = 16;
 message PlayerLevelSettingsProto {
    //unknown RankNum = 1;
    //unknown RequiredExp = 2;
    //unknown CpMultiplier = 3;
    int32 MaxEggPlayerLevel = 4;
    int32 MaxEncounterPlayerLevel = 5;
 message GymLevelSettingsProto {
    //unknown RequiredExp = 1;
    //unknown LeaderSlots = 2;
    //unknown TrainerSlots = 3;
    //unknown SearchRollBonus = 4;
 message GymBattleSettingsProto {
    float EnergyPerSec = 1;
    float DodgeEnergyCost = 2;
    float RetargetSeconds = 3;
    float EnemyAttackInterval = 4;
    float AttackServerInterval = 5;
    float RoundDurationSeconds = 6;
    float BonusTimePerAllySeconds = 7;
    int32 MaximumAttackersPerBattle = 8;
    float SameTypeAttackBonusMultiplier = 9;
    int32 MaximumEnergy = 10;
    float EnergyDeltaPerHealthLost = 11;
    int32 DodgeDurationMs = 12;
    int32 MinimumPlayerLevel = 13;
    int32 SwapDurationMs = 14;
 message EncounterSettingsProto {
    float SpinBonusThreshold = 1;
    float ExcellentThrowThreshold = 2;
    float GreatThrowThreshold = 3;
    float NiceThrowThreshold = 4;
    int32 MilestoneThreshold = 5;
 message IapSettingsProto {
    int32 DailyBonusCoins = 1;
    //unknown DailyDefenderBonusPerPokemon = 2;
    int32 DailyDefenderBonusMaxDefenders = 3;
    //unknown DailyDefenderBonusCurrency = 4;
    int64 MinTimeBetweenClaimsMs = 5;
    bool DailyBonusEnabled = 6;
    bool DailyDefenderBonusEnabled = 7;
 message PokemonUpgradeSettingsProto {
    int32 UpgradesPerLevel = 1;
    int32 AllowedLevelsAbovePlayer = 2;
    //unknown CandyCost = 3;
    //unknown StardustCost = 4;
 message EquippedBadgeSettingsProto {
    int64 EquipBadgeCooldownMs = 1;
    //unknown CatchProbabilityBonus = 2;
    //unknown FleeProbabilityBonus = 3;
 message GameMasterClientTemplateProto {
    string TemplateId = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonSettingsProto Pokemon = 2;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ItemSettingsProto Item = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.MoveSettingsProto Move = 4;
    Holoholo.Rpc.MoveSequenceSettingsProto MoveSequence = 5;
    Holoholo.Rpc.TypeEffectiveSettingsProto TypeEffective = 8;
    Holoholo.Rpc.BadgeSettingsProto Badge = 10;
    Holoholo.Rpc.CameraSettingsProto Camera = 11;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerLevelSettingsProto PlayerLevel = 12;
    Holoholo.Rpc.GymLevelSettingsProto GymLevel = 13;
    Holoholo.Rpc.GymBattleSettingsProto BattleSettings = 14;
    Holoholo.Rpc.EncounterSettingsProto EncounterSettings = 15;
    Holoholo.Rpc.IapItemDisplayProto IapItemDisplay = 16;
    Holoholo.Rpc.IapSettingsProto IapSettings = 17;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonUpgradeSettingsProto PokemonUpgrades = 18;
    Holoholo.Rpc.EquippedBadgeSettingsProto EquippedBadges = 19;
 message GetGameMasterClientTemplatesProto {
 message GetGameMasterClientTemplatesOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.GetGameMasterClientTemplatesOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    //unknown Items = 2;
    uint64 Timestamp = 3;
 message GetRemoteConfigVersionsProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Platform Platform = 1;
    string DeviceManufacturer = 2;
    string DeviceModel = 3;
    string Locale = 4;
    uint32 AppVersion = 5;
 message GetRemoteConfigVersionsOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.GetRemoteConfigVersionsOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    uint64 GameMasterTimestamp = 2;
    uint64 AssetDigestTimestamp = 3;
 message ClientMapCellProto {
    uint64 S2CellId = 1;
    int64 AsOfTimeMs = 2;
    //unknown Fort = 3;
    //unknown SpawnPoint = 4;
    //unknown WildPokemon = 5;
    //unknown DeletedObject = 6;
    bool IsTruncatedList = 7;
    //unknown FortSummary = 8;
    //unknown DecimatedSpawnPoint = 9;
    //unknown CatchablePokemon = 10;
    //unknown NearbyPokemon = 11;
 message GetMapObjectsProto {
    //unknown CellId = 1;
    //unknown SinceTimeMs = 2;
    double PlayerLat = 3;
    double PlayerLng = 4;
 message GetMapObjectsOutProto {
    //unknown MapCell = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Status.Types.GetMapObjectsOutProto.Status Status = 2;
 message NearbyPokemonProto {
    int32 PokedexNumber = 1;
    float DistanceMeters = 2;
    uint64 EncounterId = 3;
 message GetGymDetailsProto {
    string GymId = 1;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 2;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 3;
    double GymLatDegrees = 4;
    double GymLngDegrees = 5;
 message GetGymDetailsOutProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.GymStateProto GymState = 1;
    string Name = 2;
    //unknown Url = 3;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.GetGymDetailsOutProto.Result Result = 4;
    string Description = 5;
 message GymStateProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonFortProto FortMapData = 1;
    //unknown GymMembership = 2;
 message StartGymBattleProto {
    string GymId = 1;
    //unknown AttackingPokemonId = 2;
    uint64 DefendingPokemonId = 3;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 4;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 5;
 message StartGymBattleOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.StartGymBattleOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    int64 BattleStartMs = 2;
    int64 BattleEndMs = 3;
    string BattleId = 4;
    Holoholo.Rpc.BattleParticipantProto Defender = 5;
    Holoholo.Rpc.BattleLogProto BattleLog = 6;
 message AttackGymProto {
    string GymId = 1;
    string BattleId = 2;
    //unknown AttackerActions = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.BattleActionProto LastRetrievedAction = 4;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 5;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 6;
 message BattleActionProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.ActionType.Types.BattleActionProto.ActionType Type = 1;
    int64 ActionStartMs = 2;
    int32 DurationMs = 3;
    int32 EnergyDelta = 5;
    int32 AttackerIndex = 6;
    int32 TargetIndex = 7;
    uint64 ActivePokemonId = 8;
    Holoholo.Rpc.BattleParticipantProto JoinedPlayer = 9;
    Holoholo.Rpc.BattleResultsProto BattleResults = 10;
    int64 DamageWindowStartMs = 11;
    int64 DamageWindowEndMs = 12;
    Holoholo.Rpc.BattleParticipantProto QuitPlayer = 13;
    uint64 TargetPokemonId = 14;
 message AttackGymOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.AttackGymOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.BattleLogProto BattleLog = 2;
    string BattleId = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonInfo ActiveDefender = 4;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonInfo ActiveAttacker = 5;
 message GymMembershipProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto Pokemon = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerPublicProfileProto TrainerPublicProfile = 2;
 message BattleParticipantProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonInfo ActivePokemon = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerPublicProfileProto TrainerPublicProfile = 2;
    //unknown ReservePokemon = 3;
    //unknown DefeatedPokemon = 4;
 message PokemonInfo {
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto Pokemon = 1;
    int32 CurrentHealth = 2;
    int32 CurrentEnergy = 3;
 message BattleResultsProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.GymStateProto GymState = 1;
    //unknown Attackers = 2;
    //unknown PlayerXpAwarded = 3;
    int64 NextDefenderPokemonId = 4;
    int32 GymPointsDelta = 5;
 message BattleLogProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.State.Types.BattleLogProto.State State = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.BattleType.Types.BattleLogProto.BattleType BattleType = 2;
    int64 ServerMs = 3;
    //unknown BattleActions = 4;
    int64 BattleStartMs = 5;
    int64 BattleEndMs = 6;
 message HoloInventoryKeyProto {
    uint64 PokemonId = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 2;
    int32 PokedexEntryId = 3;
    bool PlayerStats = 4;
    bool PlayerCurrency = 5;
    bool PlayerCamera = 6;
    bool InventoryUpgrades = 7;
    bool AppliedItems = 8;
    bool EggIncubators = 9;
    int32 PokemonFamilyId = 10;
 message HoloInventoryItemProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto Pokemon = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ItemProto Item = 2;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokedexEntryProto PokedexEntry = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerStatsProto PlayerStats = 4;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerCurrencyProto PlayerCurrency = 5;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerCameraProto PlayerCamera = 6;
    Holoholo.Rpc.InventoryUpgradesProto InventoryUpgrades = 7;
    Holoholo.Rpc.AppliedItemsProto AppliedItems = 8;
    Holoholo.Rpc.EggIncubatorsProto EggIncubators = 9;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonFamilyProto PokemonFamily = 10;
 message FortSponsor {
 message FortRenderingType {
 message PokemonProto {
    uint64 Id = 1;
    int32 PokemonId = 2;
    int32 Cp = 3;
    int32 Stamina = 4;
    int32 MaxStamina = 5;
    int32 Move1 = 6;
    int32 Move2 = 7;
    string DeployedFortId = 8;
    string OwnerName = 9;
    bool IsEgg = 10;
    double EggKmWalkedTarget = 11;
    double EggKmWalkedStart = 12;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonCreateContext Origin = 14;
    float HeightM = 15;
    float WeightKg = 16;
    int32 IndividualAttack = 17;
    int32 IndividualDefense = 18;
    int32 IndividualStamina = 19;
    float CpMultiplier = 20;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Pokeball = 21;
    int64 CapturedS2CellId = 22;
    int32 BattlesAttacked = 23;
    int32 BattlesDefended = 24;
    string EggIncubatorId = 25;
    int64 CreationTimeMs = 26;
    int32 NumUpgrades = 27;
    float AdditionalCpMultiplier = 28;
    bool Favorite = 29;
    string Nickname = 30;
    bool FromFort = 31;
 message ItemProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
    int32 Count = 2;
    bool Unseen = 3;
 message PokedexEntryProto {
    int32 PokedexEntryNumber = 1;
    int32 TimesEncountered = 2;
    int32 TimesCaptured = 3;
    int32 EvolutionStonePieces = 4;
    int32 EvolutionStones = 5;
 message PlayerStatsProto {
    int32 Level = 1;
    int64 Experience = 2;
    int64 PrevLevelExp = 3;
    int64 NextLevelExp = 4;
    float KmWalked = 5;
    int32 NumPokemonEncountered = 6;
    int32 NumUniquePokedexEntries = 7;
    int32 NumPokemonCaptured = 8;
    int32 NumEvolutions = 9;
    int32 PokeStopVisits = 10;
    int32 NumberOfPokeballThrown = 11;
    int32 NumEggsHatched = 12;
    int32 BigMagikarpCaught = 13;
    int32 NumBattleAttackWon = 14;
    int32 NumBattleAttackTotal = 15;
    int32 NumBattleDefendedWon = 16;
    int32 NumBattleTrainingWon = 17;
    int32 NumBattleTrainingTotal = 18;
    int32 PrestigeRaisedTotal = 19;
    int32 PrestigeDroppedTotal = 20;
    int32 NumPokemonDeployed = 21;
    //unknown NumPokemonCaughtByType = 22;
    int32 SmallRattataCaught = 23;
 message PlayerCurrencyProto {
    int32 Gems = 1;
 message PlayerCameraProto {
    bool DefaultCamera = 1;
 message InventoryUpgradesProto {
    //unknown InventoryUpgrade = 1;
 message InventoryUpgradeProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.InventoryUpgradeType UpgradeType = 2;
    int32 AdditionalStorage = 3;
 message EggIncubatorsProto {
    //unknown EggIncubator = 1;
 message EggIncubatorProto {
    string ItemId = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 2;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.EggIncubatorType IncubatorType = 3;
    int32 UsesRemaining = 4;
    int64 PokemonId = 5;
    double StartKmWalked = 6;
    double TargetKmWalked = 7;
 message AppliedItemsProto {
    //unknown Item = 4;
 message AppliedItemProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloItemType ItemType = 2;
    int64 ExpirationMs = 3;
    int64 AppliedMs = 4;
 message PokemonFamilyProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonFamilyId FamilyId = 1;
    int32 Candy = 2;
 message PlayerPublicProfileProto {
    string Name = 1;
    int32 Level = 2;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerAvatarProto Avatar = 3;
 message PlayerAvatarProto {
    int32 Avatar = 8;
    int32 Skin = 2;
    int32 Hair = 3;
    int32 Shirt = 4;
    int32 Pants = 5;
    int32 Hat = 6;
    int32 Shoes = 7;
    int32 Eyes = 9;
    int32 Backpack = 10;
 message ActionLogEntry {
    int64 TimestampMs = 1;
    bool Sfida = 2;
    Holoholo.Rpc.CatchPokemonLogEntry CatchPokemon = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.FortSearchLogEntry FortSearch = 4;
 message CatchPokemonLogEntry {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.CatchPokemonLogEntry.Result Result = 1;
    int32 PokedexNumber = 2;
    int32 CombatPoints = 3;
    uint64 PokemonId = 4;
 message FortSearchLogEntry {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.FortSearchLogEntry.Result Result = 1;
    string FortId = 2;
    //unknown Items = 3;
    int32 Eggs = 4;
 message InventoryProto {
    //unknown InventoryItem = 1;
 message InventoryItemProto {
    int64 ModifiedTimestamp = 1;
    Google.Protobuf.ByteString DeletedItemKey = 2;
    Google.Protobuf.ByteString Item = 3;
 message InventoryDeltaProto {
    int64 OriginalTimestamp = 1;
    int64 NewTimestamp = 2;
    //unknown InventoryItem = 3;
 message PlayerBadgeProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloBadgeType BadgeType = 1;
    int32 Rank = 2;
    int32 StartValue = 3;
    int32 EndValue = 4;
    double CurrentValue = 5;
 message PlayerProfileProto {
    string PlayerName = 1;
 message PlayerProfileOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.PlayerProfileOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    int64 StartTime = 2;
    //unknown Badges = 3;
 message LevelUpRewardsProto {
    int32 Level = 1;
 message LevelUpRewardsOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.LevelUpRewardsOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    //unknown Items = 2;
    //unknown ItemsUnlocked = 4;
 message PokemonFortProto {
    string FortId = 1;
    int64 LastModifiedMs = 2;
    double Latitude = 3;
    double Longitude = 4;
    int32 Team = 5;
    int32 GuardPokemonId = 6;
    int32 GuardPokemonLevel = 7;
    bool Enabled = 8;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.FortType FortType = 9;
    int64 GymPoints = 10;
    bool IsInBattle = 11;
    //unknown ActiveFortModifier = 12;
    Holoholo.Rpc.MapPokemonProto ActivePokemon = 13;
    int64 CooldownCompleteMs = 14;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Sponsor.Types.FortSponsor.Sponsor Sponsor = 15;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.RenderingType.Types.FortRenderingType.RenderingType RenderingType = 16;
 message PokemonSummaryFortProto {
    string FortSummaryId = 1;
    int64 LastModifiedMs = 2;
    double Latitude = 3;
    double Longitude = 4;
 message ClientSpawnPointProto {
    double Latitude = 2;
    double Longitude = 3;
 message WildPokemonProto {
    uint64 EncounterId = 1;
    int64 LastModifiedMs = 2;
    double Latitude = 3;
    double Longitude = 4;
    string SpawnPointId = 5;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto Pokemon = 7;
    int32 TimeTillHiddenMs = 11;
 message MapPokemonProto {
    string SpawnpointId = 1;
    uint64 EncounterId = 2;
    int32 PokedexTypeId = 3;
    int64 ExpirationTimeMs = 4;
    double Latitude = 5;
    double Longitude = 6;
 message ClientPlayerProto {
    int64 CreationTimeMs = 1;
    string Name = 2;
    int32 Team = 5;
    //unknown TutorialComplete = 7;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerAvatarProto PlayerAvatarProto = 8;
    int32 MaxPokemonStorage = 9;
    int32 MaxItemStorage = 10;
    Holoholo.Rpc.DailyBonusProto DailyBonusProto = 11;
    Holoholo.Rpc.EquippedBadgeProto EquippedBadgeProto = 12;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ContactSettingsProto ContactSettingsProto = 13;
    //unknown CurrencyBalance = 14;
 message CurrencyQuantityProto {
    string CurrencyType = 1;
    int32 Quantity = 2;
 message ContactSettingsProto {
    bool SendMarketingEmails = 1;
    bool SendPushNotifications = 2;
 message DailyBonusProto {
    int64 NextCollectTimestampMs = 1;
    int64 NextDefenderBonusCollectTimestampMs = 2;
 message EquippedBadgeProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloBadgeType EquippedBadge = 1;
    int32 Level = 2;
    int64 NextEquipChangeAllowedTimestampMs = 3;
 message GetPlayerProto {
 message GetPlayerOutProto {
    bool Success = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ClientPlayerProto Player = 2;
 message PlayerUpdateProto {
    double Lat = 1;
    double Lng = 2;
 message PlayerUpdateOutProto {
    //unknown WildPokemon = 1;
    //unknown Fort = 2;
    int32 FortsNearby = 3;
 message GetInventoryProto {
    int64 TimestampMillis = 1;
    //unknown ItemBeenSeen = 2;
 message GetInventoryOutProto {
    bool Success = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.InventoryDeltaProto InventoryDelta = 2;
 message DebugUpdateInventoryProto {
    //unknown Pokemon = 1;
    //unknown Item = 2;
 message DebugUpdateInventoryOutProto {
    bool Success = 1;
 message SetFavoritePokemonProto {
    int64 PokemonId = 1;
    bool IsFavorite = 2;
 message SetFavoritePokemonOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.SetFavoritePokemonOutProto.Result Result = 1;
 message ReleasePokemonProto {
    uint64 PokemonId = 1;
    //unknown PokemonIds = 2;
 message ReleasePokemonOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Status.Types.ReleasePokemonOutProto.Status Status = 1;
    int32 CandyAwarded = 2;
 message NicknamePokemonProto {
    uint64 PokemonId = 1;
    string Nickname = 2;
 message NicknamePokemonOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.NicknamePokemonOutProto.Result Result = 1;
 message DebugDeletePlayerProto {
 message DebugDeletePlayerOutProto {
    bool Success = 1;
 message GetSuggestedCodenamesRequestProto {
 message GetSuggestedCodenamesResponseProto {
    //unknown Codename = 1;
    bool Success = 2;
 message CheckCodenameAvailableRequestProto {
    string Codename = 1;
 message ClaimCodenameRequestProto {
    string Codename = 1;
 message CodenameResultProto {
    string Codename = 1;
    string UserMessage = 2;
    bool IsAssignable = 3;
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Status.Types.CodenameResultProto.Status Status = 4;
 message SetAvatarProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerAvatarProto PlayerAvatarProto = 2;
 message SetAvatarOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Status.Types.SetAvatarOutProto.Status Status = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ClientPlayerProto Player = 2;
 message SetContactSettingsProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.ContactSettingsProto ContactSettingsProto = 1;
 message SetContactSettingsOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Status.Types.SetContactSettingsOutProto.Status Status = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ClientPlayerProto Player = 2;
 message SetPlayerTeamProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Team Team = 1;
 message SetPlayerTeamOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Status.Types.SetPlayerTeamOutProto.Status Status = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ClientPlayerProto Player = 2;
 message MarkTutorialCompleteProto {
    //unknown TutorialComplete = 1;
    bool SendMarketingEmails = 2;
    bool SendPushNotifications = 3;
 message MarkTutorialCompleteOutProto {
    bool Success = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.ClientPlayerProto Player = 2;
 message CheckAwardedBadgesProto {
 message CheckAwardedBadgesOutProto {
    bool Success = 1;
    //unknown AwardedBadges = 2;
    //unknown AwardedBadgeLevels = 3;
 message RecycleItemProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
    int32 Count = 2;
 message RecycleItemOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.RecycleItemOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    int32 NewCount = 2;
 message PtcToken {
    string Token = 1;
    int32 Expiration = 2;
 message EquipBadgeProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloBadgeType Badge = 1;
 message EquipBadgeOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.EquipBadgeOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.EquippedBadgeProto Equipped = 2;
 message GetActionLogRequest {
 message GetActionLogResponse {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.GetActionLogResponse.Result Result = 1;
    //unknown Log = 2;
 message GlobalSettingsProto {
    Holoholo.Rpc.FortSettingsProto FortSettings = 2;
    Holoholo.Rpc.MapSettingsProto MapSettings = 3;
    Holoholo.Rpc.LevelSettingsProto LevelSettings = 4;
    Holoholo.Rpc.InventorySettingsProto InventorySettings = 5;
    string MinimumClientVersion = 6;
 message FortSettingsProto {
    double InteractionRangeMeters = 1;
    int32 MaxTotalDeployedPokemon = 2;
    int32 MaxPlayerDeployedPokemon = 3;
    double DeployStaminaMultiplier = 4;
    double DeployAttackMultiplier = 5;
    double FarInteractionRangeMeters = 6;
 message MapSettingsProto {
    double PokemonVisibleRange = 1;
    double PokeNavRangeMeters = 2;
    double EncounterRangeMeters = 3;
    float GetMapObjectsMinRefreshSeconds = 4;
    float GetMapObjectsMaxRefreshSeconds = 5;
    float GetMapObjectsMinDistanceMeters = 6;
    string GoogleMapsApiKey = 7;
 message LevelSettingsProto {
    double TrainerCpModifier = 2;
    double TrainerDifficultyModifier = 3;
 message InventorySettingsProto {
    int32 MaxPokemon = 1;
    int32 MaxBagItems = 2;
    int32 BasePokemon = 3;
    int32 BaseBagItems = 4;
    int32 BaseEggs = 5;
 message DownloadSettingsActionProto {
    string Sha1 = 1;
 message DownloadSettingsResponseProto {
    string Error = 1;
    string Sha1 = 2;
    Google.Protobuf.ByteString Values = 3;
 message RegisterSfidaRequest {
    string SfidaId = 1;
 message RegisterSfidaResponse {
    Google.Protobuf.ByteString AccessToken = 1;
 message TradingSearchProto {
    double Lat = 1;
    double Lng = 2;
 message TradingSearchOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.TradingSearchOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    //unknown PlayerNames = 2;
 message TradingOfferProto {
    string TradingPlayer = 1;
    uint64 PokemonId = 2;
 message TradingOfferOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.TradingOfferOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    uint64 TradeId = 2;
 message PollForTradeResponseProto {
    uint64 TradeId = 1;
    uint64 PokemonId = 2;
    bool RequestCancel = 3;
 message PollForTradeResponseOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.PollForTradeResponseOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto ReturnPokemon = 2;
 message TradingResultProto {
    uint64 TradeId = 1;
    bool PlayerAccept = 2;
 message TradingResultOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.TradingResultOutProto.Result Result = 1;
 message UpgradePokemonProto {
    uint64 PokemonId = 1;
 message UpgradePokemonOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.UpgradePokemonOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto UpgradedPokemon = 2;
 message UseItemPotionProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
    uint64 PokemonId = 2;
 message UseItemPotionOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.UseItemPotionOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    int32 Stamina = 2;
 message UseItemReviveProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
    uint64 PokemonId = 2;
 message UseItemReviveOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.UseItemReviveOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    int32 Stamina = 2;
 message UseItemGymProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
    string GymId = 2;
    double PlayerLatDegrees = 3;
    double PlayerLngDegrees = 4;
 message UseItemGymOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.UseItemGymOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    int64 UpdatedGp = 2;
 message UseItemXpBoostProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
 message UseItemXpBoostOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.UseItemXpBoostOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.AppliedItemsProto AppliedItems = 2;
 message UseItemEggIncubatorProto {
    string ItemId = 1;
    int64 PokemondId = 2;
 message UseItemEggIncubatorOutProto {
    ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Result.Types.UseItemEggIncubatorOutProto.Result Result = 1;
    Holoholo.Rpc.EggIncubatorProto EggIncubator = 2;
tejado commented 8 years ago

Yeah thanks :) I already found this!

onnimonni commented 8 years ago

I'm just super curious about the method how these were reverse engineered from The protobuf messages or were these just leaked from The creators of the game?

fremgenc commented 8 years ago

They just kind of appeared.

Had to be some sort of leak, I don't think it would be possible to decode them this quickly.

On Jul 16, 2016 1:48 PM, "Onni Hakala" notifications@github.com wrote:

I'm just super curious about the method how these were reverse engineered from The protobuf messages or were these just leaked from The creators of the game?

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rubenvereecken commented 8 years ago

@onnimonni it's rather easy to get the basics. Fire up mitmproxy with protobuf decoding, and it'll show you how to formulate a request and a response. The contents are harder, as they're not done the usual protobuf way (the same field can have multiple types, like a union, protobuf recommends optional).

Then extrapolate from there :).