These are the error logs when I import the package to use it.
Flutter version: 3.10.5
Just add the package and import to use
: Error: The class 'Drag' can't be used as a mixin because it isn't a mixin class nor a mixin.
class CropState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin, Drag {
: Error: The method 'PageMetrics.copyWith' doesn't have the named parameter 'devicePixelRatio' of overridden method 'Object with ScrollMetrics.copyWith'.
PageMetrics copyWith({
: Context: This is the overridden method ('copyWith').
ScrollMetrics copyWith({
: Error: The method '_PagePosition.copyWith' doesn't have the named parameter 'devicePixelRatio' of overridden method 'ViewportOffset with ScrollMetrics.copyWith'.
PageMetrics copyWith({
: Context: This is the overridden method ('copyWith').
ScrollMetrics copyWith({
: Error: Required named parameter 'devicePixelRatio' must be provided.
}) : super(
These are the error logs when I import the package to use it.
Flutter version: 3.10.5
Steps: Just add the package and import to use
: Error: The class 'Drag' can't be used as a mixin because it isn't a mixin class nor a mixin. ../…/src/crop.dart:63 class CropState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin, Drag {
: Error: The method 'PageMetrics.copyWith' doesn't have the named parameter 'devicePixelRatio' of overridden method 'Object with ScrollMetrics.copyWith'.
PageMetrics copyWith({
: Context: This is the overridden method ('copyWith').
ScrollMetrics copyWith({
: Error: The method '_PagePosition.copyWith' doesn't have the named parameter 'devicePixelRatio' of overridden method 'ViewportOffset with ScrollMetrics.copyWith'.
PageMetrics copyWith({
: Context: This is the overridden method ('copyWith').
ScrollMetrics copyWith({
: Error: Required named parameter 'devicePixelRatio' must be provided. ../…/lib/preload_page_view.dart:170 }) : super(