tek / splain

better implicit errors for scala
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nonconformant bound info sometimes print out full type signature instead of the formatted one, is it deliberate? #71

Closed tribbloid closed 2 years ago

tribbloid commented 2 years ago

Here is an example when I'm debugging shapesafe:

implicit error;
!I prove:
    On[Literal[Int(1)], On[Literal[Int(2)], Literal[Int(4)]]]
  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1 != 6

  ... when proving arity ░▒▓

  1 == 6

Op2.unchecked invalid because
!I domain: UncheckedDomain[Literal[Int(1)], On[Literal[Int(2)], Literal[Int(4)]]]
――UncheckedDomain.d2 invalid because
  !I bound1: Proof[Literal[Int(1)], Aye[_$1]]
    [NO PROOF]: org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(1)]  |-     ??? <: org.shapesafe.core.arity.Unchecked

――UncheckedDomain.d1 invalid because
  !I bound2: Proof[On[Literal[Int(2)], Literal[Int(4)]], Aye[_$1]]
    [NO PROOF]: org.shapesafe.core.arity.binary.Op2.Impl[[P1, P2]singleton.ops.impl.OpMacro[singleton.ops.impl.OpId.+,P1,P2,Int(0)],org.shapesafe.core.debugging.Expressions.+]#On[org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(2)],org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(4)]]  |-     ??? <: org.shapesafe.core.arity.Unchecked

――――Op2.unchecked invalid because
    !I domain: UncheckedDomain[Literal[Int(2)], Literal[Int(4)]]
――――――UncheckedDomain.d2 invalid because
      !I bound1: Proof[Literal[Int(2)], Aye[_$1]]
        [NO PROOF]: org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(2)]  |-     ??? <: org.shapesafe.core.arity.Unchecked

――――――UncheckedDomain.d1 invalid because
      !I bound2: Proof[Literal[Int(4)], Aye[_$1]]
        [NO PROOF]: org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(4)]  |-     ??? <: org.shapesafe.core.arity.Unchecked

binary.this.Op2.invar[org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(1)], org.shapesafe.core.arity.binary.Op2.Impl[[P1, P2]singleton.ops.impl.OpMacro[singleton.ops.impl.OpId.+,P1,P2,Int(0)],org.shapesafe.core.debugging.Expressions.+]#On[org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(2)],org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(4)]], Int(1), Int(6), org.shapesafe.core.arity.binary.Require2.Impl[[P1, P2]singleton.ops.impl.OpMacro[singleton.ops.impl.OpId.==,P1,P2,Int(0)],org.shapesafe.core.debugging.Expressions.==]](arity.this.VerifiedArity.endo[org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(1)]], binary.this.Op2.invar[org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(2)], org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(4)], Int(2), Int(4), org.shapesafe.core.arity.binary.Op2.Impl[[P1, P2]singleton.ops.impl.OpMacro[singleton.ops.impl.OpId.+,P1,P2,Int(0)],org.shapesafe.core.debugging.Expressions.+]](arity.this.VerifiedArity.endo[org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(2)]], arity.this.VerifiedArity.endo[org.shapesafe.core.arity.ConstArity.Literal[Int(4)]], {
  final class $anon extends AnyRef with singleton.ops.impl.OpMacro[singleton.ops.impl.OpId.+,Int(2),Int(4),Int(0)] {
    def <init>(): <$anon: singleton.ops.impl.OpMacro[singleton.ops.impl.OpId.+,Int(2),Int(4),Int(0)]> = {
    type OutWide = Int;
    type Out = Int(6);
    type OutInt = Int(6);
    final private[this] val value: Int(6) = 6;
    final <stable> <accessor> def value: Int(6) = $anon.this.value;
    final private[this] val isLiteral: Boolean(true) = true;
    final <stable> <accessor> def isLiteral: Boolean(true) = $anon.this.isLiteral;
    final private[this] val valueWide: Int = 6;
    final <stable> <accessor> def valueWide: Int = $anon.this.valueWide
  new $anon()
}), {
  final class $anon extends AnyRef with singleton.ops.impl.OpMacro[singleton.ops.impl.OpId.==,Int(1),Int(6),Int(0)] {
    def <init>(): <$anon: singleton.ops.impl.OpMacro[singleton.ops.impl.OpId.==,Int(1),Int(6),Int(0)]> = {
    type OutWide = Boolean;
    type Out = Boolean(false);
    type OutBoolean = Boolean(false);
    final private[this] val value: Boolean(false) = false;
    final <stable> <accessor> def value: Boolean(false) = $anon.this.value;
    final private[this] val isLiteral: Boolean(true) = true;
    final <stable> <accessor> def isLiteral: Boolean(true) = $anon.this.isLiteral;
    final private[this] val valueWide: Boolean = false;
    final <stable> <accessor> def valueWide: Boolean = $anon.this.valueWide
  new $anon()
}) invalid because
nonconformant bounds;
[Literal[Int(1)], On[Literal[Int(2)], Literal[Int(4)]], Int(1), Int(6), Impl[OpMacro[==, ?, ?, Int(0)], ==]]
[A1 <: org.shapesafe.core.arity.Arity, A2 <: org.shapesafe.core.arity.Arity, S1, S2, OP <: org.shapesafe.core.arity.binary.Op2]

If this goes through proper formatting, I shouldn't even see the "singleton.ops.impl." package part. Is there a reason they have to be printed? Or is it some kind of fall back mechanism when formatting fails?

@tek Thanks a lot for your input

tek commented 2 years ago

this looks like a message from an annotation in that library

tribbloid commented 2 years ago

don't think so, if it is an annotation it should come after the "invalid because" part.

Plus this annotation seems to be all types, no text. I knew PhD students are undisciplined, but not that undisciplined

tek commented 2 years ago

well then what is that NO PROOF?

tribbloid commented 2 years ago

Oh sorry that was part of the implicit annotation of shapesafe (the library I worked on)

tribbloid commented 2 years ago

hmmm, looks like this problem can be triggered if the implicit function doesn't have a return type. The compiler has some weird rule in inferring and erasing type automatically in this case

tribbloid commented 2 years ago

I found the cause of the problem, the following 2 types of Tree:

  // TODO remove this class, add a tree attachment to Apply to track whether implicits were involved
  // copying trees will all too easily forget to distinguish subclasses
  class ApplyToImplicitArgs(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Apply(fun, args)

  // TODO remove this class, add a tree attachment to Apply to track whether implicits were involved
  // copying trees will all too easily forget to distinguish subclasses
  class ApplyImplicitView(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Apply(fun, args)

May be returned as implicit candidate. Their .toString format is also very verbose (at least as verbose as TypeApply, which was replaced with an Apply when the error message is generated). So, the solution should be merely adding these 2 cases into the unapplyCandidate

A patch should be released shortly. But our end goal should be to merge it into scalac

tribbloid commented 2 years ago

@tek do you think it is a good idea to invite @lrytz to be on our advisor board?

tek commented 2 years ago

if that is something he'd like to do, sure!

tribbloid commented 2 years ago

Sounds good, let's finish the 1.0.0-RC1 for 2.13.6 first

lrytz commented 2 years ago

Not sure what your board is, but feel free to ping me on questions / issues :)

tribbloid commented 2 years ago

@tek patch is integrated a few days ago, closing