tekinged / missing

The repository where the tekinged.com committee tracks and defines missing words. Anyone can join!
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General Status Report and some tidbits #190

Closed johnbent closed 2 years ago

johnbent commented 2 years ago

General Status Report and some tidbits created by johnbent@gmail.com on 2017-01-18 10:52:11

johnbent commented 2 years ago

johnbent@gmail.com replied,


Thanks to everyone again for your help with tekinged.

Here's the latest graph showing the value of our work:

This is the number of unique IP addresses that visit tekinged every week and the number of unique IP addresses actually doing a search in the dictionary and the number of unique IP addresses taking quiz questions. I don't know what is going on with that visitors number. It's a count of unique IP addresses that visit us each week. But it's just not believable to me that the actual number is almost 3000 people. I try to filter for bots but maybe I'm missing some.

The other two lines though because they are definitely humans. So we have about 300 unique IP addresses doing searches every week! Now that doesn't necessarily mean 300 unique people since some people might search from their phone, and their house, and their work so one person might show up as 3 different unique IP addresses. But still that's at least 100 people using our site every week!

Here's an interesting new page I made: http://tekinged.com/tmp/missing_search.php

It shows words that are frequently searched that aren't in the dictionary. It only shows word that are searched when people search using 'Palauan -> English' or 'Palauan -> Palauan.' A couple of quick interesting things to note on this page.

  1. Tons of people search for English words without first changing the direction to 'English -> Palauan'. Not sure what to do about this. When they do this, they do get a message that says, "Perhaps you meant to search for the English word LOVE" or whatever.

  2. Tons of people search for numbers. We have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, but we don't have all the other numbers and people search for things like 42. Also, when they search for 42, they should be searching with 'English -> Palauan' option.

  3. The most popular missing term that is actually Palauan is 'meral' which Jim asked about before. I went ahead and added it as a contraction for 'mera el'.

  4. Lots of people search for bad words. :)


johnbent commented 2 years ago

mngiruchelbad@gmail.com replied,


johnbent commented 2 years ago

palau371@gmail.com replied,

i think we can make a wide list of numerals, using ENG spelling as "one", "twelve", "fifty-seven" and numbers as 1, 12, 57 etc. but i don't think to be good idea if they all will be included in common search, it should be a separate chapter.

but there's one more problem: Palauan has a bunch of words for "four" as EUANG / EUA, TEUANG / TEUA, KLOANG / KLOA, EUAITIUD etc. the big number of variants make me sure that we don't have to include all of them into common search...