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AR, MAR, RAR, ERAR Contractions #377

Open ChrisPerrette opened 1 year ago

ChrisPerrette commented 1 year ago

Can we add the following contractions?

ar, contraction of a re- mar, contraction of me a re- rar, contraction of er a re- erar, contraction of er a re-

These seem to be very common in my Biblia, and I suspect they are common in older writings.

johnbent commented 1 year ago

I don't know about this one. We definitely added some contractions already. If they are only common in older writings, then I don't think we should add them because we don't want to promote incorrect writing. Maybe we try to use tekinged.com to help us write Palauan more consistently.

Maybe we can add as 'slang contraction' or something and put a note in the definition that says, "This is a commonly seen but grammatically incorrect construction." That way we help people who will be looking for these words but we attempt to put a top to incorrect usage.

ChrisPerrette commented 1 year ago

That makes sense. I remember seeing these contractions as a beginner, and when I could not find any definition for them, I was very lost. Agreed, promotion of proper Palauan is a good priority.

smith-371 commented 1 year ago

I propose to show this contractions in a special section of DOSUUB. we can call it OLD SPELLING or MOST COMMON SPELLING MISTAKES.

johnbent commented 1 year ago

I propose to show this contractions in a special section of DOSUUB. we can call it OLD SPELLING or MOST COMMON SPELLING MISTAKES.

That's a good idea. I also think we want them to show up in a search so when someone is reading something and they find one of these, then they can quickly and easily figure out what the writer was trying to say. So let's add them as contractions but have the definition say, "common spelling mistake; misspelling of xxxx".