teknologi-umum / pyrite

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Frontend: Homepage #3

Open aldy505 opened 6 months ago

aldy505 commented 6 months ago

Put a regular homepage with this text, that explains what the site (and the project) is all about:

Being an open source community that hosts out own stuff (like <a href="https://github.com/teknologi-umum/pesto">Pesto</a>, <a href="https://github.com/teknologi-umum/pesto">Graphene</a>, and <a href="https://github.com/teknologi-umum/bot">some</a> <a href="https://github.com/teknologi-umum/botnet">Telegram</a> <a href="https://github.com/teknologi-umum/captcha">bots</a>) and someone else's stuff (like Verdaccio, Bagetter, Libreddit) definitely cost some money, since we'll need to rent some servers, and most of the time, one server is not enough. Not just that, we also hosts a yearly community meetup called <a href="https://conference.teknologiumum.com">TeknumConf</a>, which also cost some money and it's a lot expensive compared to just renting servers. To make everything runs on the day to day basis where people can access our service for free and attend to TeknumConf event with minimum entrance fee, we setup a few places where people can donate their money to us. We ended up having <a href="https://github.com/sponsors/teknologi-umum">GitHub Sponsor</a> and <a href="https://saweria.co/teknologiumum">Saweria</a> page.

On the internet, where most people are donating with USD, they use a platform called <a href="https://opencollective.com/">OpenCollective</a> where you can do money management publicly. Using OpenCollective also means that we'll have to shutdown any other donation funnels and just use OpenCollective alone. Sadly, that doesn't work with us. People that interact with the community only able to donate with IDR, which on OpenCollective, there's no actual fiscal host that would be compatible to us.

We are an open source community, we want to uphold our value of openness and we want to guarantee that the donations being made is used properly.