teksi / district_heating

Future TEKSI distance heating module
GNU General Public License v3.0
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2024 05 datamodel #1

Closed sjib closed 1 month ago

sjib commented 2 months ago
sjib commented 1 month ago

@ponceta How can I activate the workflows?

ponceta commented 1 month ago

AS you see here : https://github.com/teksi/distance_heating/pull/1/files#diff-fc5dead48e4c3eacc43a4bbdf67b2c57eb59b976d541c35a6c102c43a3a133ecR7-R18

Workflows will trigger on certain parameters.

I've fixed that and now you should be able to trigger and fix actions.

I'm available if you need me today! ;)

sjib commented 1 month ago

Run ./datamodel/test/static_tests.sh ./datamodel/test/static_tests.sh shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0} /home/runner/work/_temp/7a9068bb-6c98-45bb-bde4-12cc02532249.sh: line 1: ./datamodel/test/static_tests.sh: Permission denied Error: Process completed with exit code 126.

@ponceta Can you check the permissions?

sjib commented 1 month ago

Salut Stefan,

I was able to download the project files for github.

Please note that we work in a windows environment and I had to copy the setup.sh (for linux environment) to setup.cmd. I do not know if this environment must be taken into account for TEKSI users according to the product strategy. If not, this would be an advantage.

sjib commented 1 month ago

In the 03_tdh_db_sia405.sql, I had comment out int the relationship section the following lines since the refrences do not exist :

--ALTER TABLE tdh_od.pipe_section ADD CONSTRAINT rel_pipe_section_hydraulic_line_section FOREIGN KEY (fk_hydraulic_line_section) REFERENCES tdh_od.hydraulic_line_section(obj_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE set null DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; 
--ALTER TABLE tdh_od.pipe_section ADD CONSTRAINT rel_pipe_section_static_line_section FOREIGN KEY (fk_static_line_section) REFERENCES tdh_od.static_line_section(obj_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE set null DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; 
--ALTER TABLE tdh_od.pipe_point ADD CONSTRAINT rel_pipe_point_hydraulic_node FOREIGN KEY (fk_hydraulic_node) REFERENCES tdh_od.hydraulic_node(obj_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE set null DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; 
--ALTER TABLE tdh_od.pipe_point ADD CONSTRAINT rel_pipe_point_static_node FOREIGN KEY (fk_static_node) REFERENCES tdh_od.static_node(obj_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE set null DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
ponceta commented 1 month ago

There's something not set for docker to run properly. I need @3nids or @domi4484 assistance to solve this.

ponceta commented 1 month ago

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "init_db.sh": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

sjib commented 1 month ago

@jpdupuy Can you test this new version of the data model and dictionaries.

I still have to suppress the attributes owner (too much) as there are now already fk_owner and relations.

sjib commented 1 month ago

@jpdupuy Merci for the adaptions in organisation dictionaries

sjib commented 1 month ago

@jpdupuy So from my side now all requirements should be implemented. Can you check?

sjib commented 1 month ago

@ponceta Can you check again on the CI side that things start working?