teksi / district_heating

Future TEKSI distance heating module
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QGIS - forms character set #14

Closed jpdupuy closed 1 month ago

jpdupuy commented 1 month ago

The attribut comment (mouse over) in QGIS does not seem to be correctly taken into account for special character (é, à, ä, ...) QGIS_forms_character_set

jpdupuy commented 1 month ago


sjib commented 1 month ago

@jpdupuy Can you check the layer encoding in QGIS? Is it set to UTF-8?


How about the data in postgres? Is it correctly visible in pg_admin?

Else there is a QGIS tool to change the layer encoding https://docs.qgis.org/3.34/de/docs/user_manual/processing_algs/qgis/vectorgeneral.html#set-layer-encoding 20240515_layercodierung_setzen

@ponceta Any other hints?

jpdupuy commented 1 month ago

No, it is incorrect in pgadmin COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.structure.network_area IS ' / Ortsbezeichnung / désignation du lieu';

I believe th character set was not properly set in the setup_windows.cmd (copy of the setup.sh)

jpdupuy commented 1 month ago


jpdupuy commented 1 month ago

I had to add the following commands in the setup file
SET PGCLIENTENCODING=utf-8 chcp 65001 It has solved this issue when I check the SQL description qith PGADMIN COMMENT ON COLUMN tdh_od.structure.geometry_geometry IS ' / offener oder geschlossener Linienzug, Stützpunkte in Landeskoordinaten / polyligne ouverte ou fermée avec des points d’appui en coordonnées nationales';

sjib commented 1 month ago

@jpdupuy Can you send me your setup for windows, then I will add it to github.