teksi / district_heating

Future TEKSI distance heating module
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Naming convention for foreign keys #40

Open jpdupuy opened 2 weeks ago

jpdupuy commented 2 weeks ago

All attribut names referencing value lists should be prefixed by "fk_" such as horizontal_positioning ->fk_horizontal_positioning

sjib commented 2 weeks ago

No, fk_* is reserved for attributes referencing another data table via the obj_id, not the value lists.

There are other ways to find out whether an attribute has a value list if this is what you need.

The structure and naming convention for referencing value lists is like this: ALTER TABLE tdh_od.pipe_section ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_vl_pipe_section_horizontal_positioning FOREIGN KEY (horizontal_positioning) REFERENCES tdh_vl.pipe_section_horizontal_positioning (code) MATCH SIMPLE

jpdupuy commented 2 weeks ago

It is in contradiction with what is written in the TEKSI development guide 👍 https://github.com/teksi/Home/wiki/TEKSI-Developer-Guide#modules-repositories-

For value list relations fkvl*: CONSTRAINT fkey_vl_access_aid_kind FOREIGN KEY (kind) REFERENCES tww_vl.access_aid_kind (code) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT,

ponceta commented 2 weeks ago

Mmmmh QWAT and QGEP have two different approaches on that subject, indeed. (fk_statusvs statusas an example)

There is no mandatory database requirement to prefix / suffix fk_ / _fk / _id

But it is still a good practice in usual relationnal database implementations to make it visible somehow.

Here we face a huge renaming work if we go for the fk_ way for TWW. And furthermore this is a change of naming from the INTERLIS datamodel.

Therefore I would recommend :


jpdupuy commented 2 weeks ago

@ponceta Thanks for your analysis I think it is time to standardize all products (TWW, TWA, TDH,...) and stick to the developer's guidelines ... or change the guidelines