tektoncd / plumbing

This repo holds configuration for infrastructure used across the tektoncd org 🏗️
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Migrate Tekton ko-multi-arch-template image build to ghcr.io #2224

Open afrittoli opened 2 months ago

afrittoli commented 2 months ago

Feature request

Migrate the ko-multi-arch-template pipeline to publish to ghcr.io. This includes updates to any of the cronjobs that use this template to build images.

Note: To be implemented as a separate PR: update references in the plumbing repo from gcr.io to ghcr.io once the new images are produced.

The pipeline project release pipeline. has been migrated and can provide some insight.

Some key information for the migration:

Use case

Reduce Cloud Storage / Container Registry Spending: https://github.com/tektoncd/plumbing/issues/2157

Additional Info

The template part needs to be updated so that it may work with ghcr.io. The current version works with gcr.io, and unfortunately, it's not enough to change the target registry as authentication works a bit different (for gcr.io we used a service account file, and for ghcr.io we use a PAT), and ghcr.io requires OCI labels to be set

There are three types of builds we do today, which correspond to three separate templates.

This issue covers updating the template and cronjob for multi-architecture, with ko

The order of implementation should be:

LiteBrick204 commented 22 hours ago

I would like to work on this.