tektoncd / results

Long term storage of execution results.
Apache License 2.0
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Problem with how `result.summary.status` gets set #687

Open freefood89 opened 9 months ago

freefood89 commented 9 months ago


v0.8.1 deployed via manifests

Is this working as intended? Am I using Tekton Triggers wrong?


I have 2 Triggers that each create a PipelineRun:


The result.summary.status=SUCCESS when the sonar scan PipelineRun has status.conditions.0.reason=Succeeded and the unittest PipelineRun has status.conditions.0.reason=Failed

It looks like this happens because the result name is derived from the eventid as follows: <namespace>/results/<eventid> so when a single event matches 2 Triggers the result.summary.status takes the status condition from only one of the PipelineRuns. In my case they took the condition from the PipelineRun that started first and finished first.


I will just use the status conditions directly from the base64 encoded record data to get results for each PipelineRun